Thursday, November 3, 2016

Past Federal Mistakes

The creation of unconstitutional federal departments, agencies and programs that expanded the federal footprint beyond its “enumerated powers” has resulted in federal government fiscal insolvency.

The implementation of all American Communist Party Goals restated in 1963 and allowing the infiltration of communist operatives into the federal government and both political parties since the 1930s has resulted in federal government fiscal insolvency.

The Vietnam War, the Afghan War, the Iraq War and the Arab Spring were all disasters that cost $trillions. In 2000, our national debt was $5 trillion. In 2008 our debt was $10 trillion. In 2016 our current debt is approaching $20 trillion.

NAFTA and all other trade deals resulted in off-shoring US manufacturing jobs gutted the US economy.

Excessive legal and illegal immigration began building in 1965 and since 1989 created systemic unemployment for 94 million working-age US citizens.

The US education system had been the best on the planet from the 1800s to 1900s.  The creation of public schools was the beginning of its decline.  The creation of the Department of Education heralded the acceleration of the decline.  Now in 2016, the US education system ranks 17th in the world.  US education has been “dumbed down” over the past 100 years by admitting unqualified students into college, advancing failed students through high school, dumbing down the curriculum and replacing it with environmentalist propaganda, social engineering and junk science.

The unconstitutional creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, along with the creation of the income tax and inheritance tax made it possible for the US government to undermine the free market economy in the US and destroy the family as its primary economic unit.  That signaled our return to the feudal system.  The US federal government should have made its case and sent Amendments to create these monsters to the states for ratification, but they didn’t do that. Money printing created the 1929 stock market bubble and great depression. The 1913 US dollar is now worth 3 cents due to money printing since 1913.

In 1974, Nixon ended the gold standard for the US dollar. The US government had set the price of gold at $35 per ounce rather than using the market price of gold.  Foreign countries were turning in dollars for gold in anticipation of the US dollar decline.  Rather than going to the market price, Nixon stopped selling gold for dollars. This unpinned the dollar and made it an unsound fiat currency.  Without sound money, the dollar lost its guaranteed value.

The election of Obama in 2008 and 2012 has resulted in the loss of US sovereignty, economic decline, loss of freedom and an additional $10 trillion in federal debt.

Federal Reserve QE money printing from 2009 to 2016 has increased the money supply by 450% and sent it to the big banks to gamble with in derivatives and lend it to create a stock market price bubble.

The US is running on debt.  Government, corporate, personal and student debt are unsustainable.  This debt must be either repaid or defaulted.  UN Agenda 21 is counting on a default, so they can take over the US.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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