Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Preventing Disasters

Don’t elect Democrats. Replace 80% of all elected officials. Drown out Socialist blather with laughter.

The Civil War could have been avoided by creating an investment bank in Southern slave states so that wealthy plantation owners had a viable alternative to invest their cash in something other than slaves. Their best investment would have been to design and build tractors using steam engines. Slaves could advance to becoming indentured servants for 5 years and then advance to becoming share-croppers. They would have mechanized farming 100 years earlier.

World War I could have been avoided by freezing assets, bank accounts and credit to Austro-Hungary when it invaded Serbia and doing the same to Germany and the Ottoman Empire when they joined the Austro-Hungarian side.

World War II could have been avoided by freezing assets, bank accounts and credit to Germany in 1936, when it became clear that Germany was building its military to pursue land grabs.

The Korean War and the Vietnam War could have been avoided by the US if we had refused to come to their rescue. The same is true of the Communist takeovers in South America, Africa and other places. All we had to do is freeze them out of investment and trade and these economies would have failed.

We would have escaped the expense of bailing out the starving post-Communist countries by ignoring them.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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