Wednesday, August 28, 2019

UK Trade Balance 2019

Overall, the UK imports more than it exports meaning that it runs a trade deficit. A deficit of £138 billion on trade in goods was partially offset by a surplus of £107 billion on trade in services in 2018. The overall trade deficit was £31 billion in 2018 - Published Aug 9, 2019.
In 2018, the UK’s exports of goods and services totaled £634 billion and imports totaled £665 billion. The EU accounted for 46% of UK exports of goods and services and 53% of imports in 2018.
Overall, the UK imports more than it exports meaning that it runs a trade deficit. A deficit of £138 billion on trade in goods was partially offset by a surplus of £107 billion on trade in services in 2018. The overall trade deficit was £31 billion in 2018.
The UK had a trade deficit with the EU of £64 billion in 2018 and a trade surplus of £33 billion with non-EU countries.
The trade deficit with all countries was £4.3 billion in the three months to June 2019 compared with £20.3 billion in the previous three months. The deficit in the three months to March was exceptionally large due to the large volume of imports of ‘erratics’. Erratics include ships, aircraft and non-monetary gold and can mask the underlying trade trends.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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