Saturday, August 24, 2019

US Education Reform

The US Education system is overpriced and under-performing and is in need of reform. But it is unlikely that the Left-Wing Educrats will easily relinquish control. They are dedicated to Liberal Political Indoctrination at the expense of US taxpayers in order to grow a voter base for the Socialist Democrats. The Liberals have embedded the entire US school system with Marxist propaganda and dumbed down the student population for 40 years.

US real-estate values are determined in part to the absence of crime and the perceived value of the public school system. The best schools have the best students. This includes those students who are academically gifted and those who are motivated to learn what they need to know in order to function successfully as adults.

The US has seen a decline in opportunities since the 1990s, as manufacturing was off-shored and resource extraction was prohibited. The US failure in securing its borders has caused welfare migration and further diminished work opportunities. What had been minimum wage jobs for teenagers became government welfare subsidized jobs for welfare migrants. US teenagers didn’t learn how to work. At the same time, education became more irrelevant and basic reading, writing and math were no longer high priority components of the curriculum. In the 1980s, the popular culture was overemphasized and drug use increased.

The US is now working on returning manufacturing plants back to the US to make goods for US consumers. We are also attempting to reduce welfare migration and reform our immigration laws to emphasize need and merit. These fixes will allow us slowly to restore the US economy to what it was in the 1980s. This should restore the incentive for our students to train for the jobs they want and are suited for. It is up to the students to do this themselves to ensure that they will choose careers they love and are good at. It is important for voters to identify the mistakes made and ensure that the entrenched special interest groups that caused the US education decline are removed and their bureaucracies are disbanded.

As we look at the PISA Student Achievement Rankings by Country, we need to reflect on the importance of honoring the family that motivates Asian students to perform well in school. In Singapore, students are tested in 6th grade. If they score well, they are allowed to continue to 12th grade. If their scores are below the cut-off, they are enrolled in schools that prepare them to become minimum wage employees. Many students who score below the cut-off believe they have disgraced their family. That doesn’t happen in the US. When our students fail, they blame everybody else. Asian countries continue to regard illegal drug possession as a criminal offense. Consequently, most Asian kids don’t take illegal drugs.

The lower US scores on the PISA Ranking reflect to influx of students from refugee and welfare migrant families, who are not prepared to enter US public schools. As this population diminishes, US scores will rise.

US Teacher qualifications need to include expertise in the subjects they teach. A Math Teacher should have at least a BS Math degree. A Biology Teacher should have at least a BS Biology degree. A Chemistry Teacher should have a BS in Chemistry. A Physics Teacher should have a BS in Physics.

The Scientific Method should be taught to emphasize the ongoing need to prove all theories. Unproven Theories in Science need to be identified as such. Each Science needs to be taught identifying what theories have been proven and what we still don’t understand about the science. In Meteorology and other Sciences there are too many variables that can affect weather and forecasts shift with the winds.

A Trade School Teacher should be a Master Craftsman in crafts they teach and have related work experience.

History should be taught to include the Economy that led to the events in history to make it relevant.

Elementary School Teachers who teach rudimentary science should have appropriate training and stress reading, writing and math.

Math Teachers need to stress the practical uses of math that students will need to know and can use. Students need to know how to handle money, but they can also learn how to calculate the size of their own yard and house in square feet.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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