Understanding the Facts - Public Forum: February 12th
Most people are not aware that the Georgia Legislature
adopted legislation in the last session calling for an Article V Convention of
States for the purpose of amending the U.S. Constitution. The recently formed
Committee to Restore and Preserve the Constitution will host their second
public forum on Thursday, February 12th at 6:30 p.m. at Taylor Farm Pavilion
on 201 Lucas Rd., SW in Cartersville,
Georgia 30120
[https://www.google.com/maps/place/201+Lucas+Rd+SW,+Cartersville,+GA+30120/@34.104456,-84.8751516,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x88f54bc7b7321ea1:0xfe5789752341299a]. The Committee is a strong supporter and
defender of the U. S. Constitution.
Guest Speaker Publius Huldah, a retired attorney and
renowned lecturer on the Constitution, will give a discourse on the
"Dangers of the Article V Convention of States and Understanding the
Facts." Her documented information
will provide attendees with an insight on how the States and citizens can
peacefully restore Federalism, the Rule of Law and the individual rights of
American citizens. Included are the
concerns of calling for an Article V Convention and the multiple reasons it is
not advisable to do so at this time.
Former U.S. Congressman, Paul Broun, will share his plan on
how Americans can best work together to restore Constitutional principles. Prior to the Forum, he will be available at
6:30 p.m. to meet and discuss various issues the public may have on this
volatile subject. Attendees are also
invited to come at the same time for coffee, light refreshments and to check
out the vendors' booths which will have an assortment of related material for sale.
Debbie Harris-Staver, the organization's founder said
"the goal of the event is for attendees to leave with an increased
understanding of the dangers involved with a convention called by Congress and
also recognize that there are safe solutions the states can utilize to rein in
the Federal Government's continued violations of our Constitution." (For information call 770-435-4558 or
For more information visit the Restore and Preserve the
Constitution Facebook page.
http://email.indefenseofliberty.tv/t/r-fb-qfyhhl-irjhdulyli-z/ http://email.indefenseofliberty.tv/t/r-tw-qfyhhl-irjhdulyli-v/
Permission granted for reprint and distribution. Please
Sent on behalf of the Committee to Restore and Preserve the
Constitution, an all-volunteer grassroots group dedicated to defending the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Our
goal is have the states assert and implement their right and duty to contain
the federal government within its constitutional bounds
Source: Restore and Preserve the Constitution
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