Friday, February 6, 2015

Obamacare Replacement Bills

Our Favorite Bills to Replace ObamaCare By Chloe Rockow 07/12/2012
We need to repeal and replace ObamaCare. ObamaCare has to go -- all of it. But at FreedomWorks, we think full repeal is not enough. We also need to build a patient-centered, consumer-driven system, one that’s so successful and popular that no politician will ever again dare to take it over. What we don’t need is another massive, complicated top-down overhaul. Rather, we need a few targeted, sensible reforms that reduce costs and give patients more freedom and control. Once ObamaCare is repealed, we supporters of patient-centered, consumer-driven care will need to go on the offensive to enact our best ideas. Happily, some of our friends in Congress are already preparing to do just that. Many good, debate-worthy bills have been introduced, and more bills are expected to be introduced. Here are our favorites. Each of these bills would move us toward a more patient-centered system by expanding individual freedom. 
We are also supportive of state-level preexisting-conditions pools, which help people with pre-existing medical conditions afford private health insurance without government mandates.
Originally posted: May 23, 2012 Updated: July 12, 2012
On Tuesday, full and complete repeal of ObamaCare passed on a largely party-line vote.
Why do I say,"largely?"  Full repeal was opposed by all Democrats, but their ranks were joined by three Republicans:
Rep.Robert Dold (R-IL) (202)225-4835
Rep.Bruce Poliquin (R-ME) (202)225-6306
Rep. John Katko (R-NY)(202)225-3701
According to POLITICO, "both Katko and Poliquin said in statements Tuesday that while they did not support the Affordable Care Act, they couldn't support its repeal without something immediately ready to replace it."
There does need to be a market-based alternative to ObamaCare.  And the good news is that there are.  There have been a number of proposals put forth by Congress and by policy experts - you can view some of those proposals.
But we need to put an immediate stop to the harm that ObamaCare is doing to the American people.
We need to know for sure that these Congressmen are truly committed to full repeal. And the only way to know that for sure is for them to sign the
ObamaCare Repeal Pledge. Call their offices today at the numbers above.  Tell them it's time to sign the Pledge.
Source:Carrie Lukas, Vice President for
Policy and Economics Independent Women's

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