Friday, November 6, 2015

Bad Trade Agreements

We import $500 billion more than we export.  The primary reasons for this trade deficit are the failure of the federal government to enact policies that would make the US more competitive and productive.  For decades the federal government obstructed oil and gas exploration, signed on to the global warming hoax and gave American manufacturing jobs away to third world countries. 
We didn’t question job killing regulations or the highest corporate tax rates on the planet.  There was no discussion about off-shoring manufacturing and the damaging effects it would have.  Instead, government gave us the “spin” that we were entering the “information age”.  Well, the information wasn’t good.
Politicians would vote for bad trade deals with no regard for US workers.  Now they are allowing utilities to fire their US workforce and hire immigrants to take over these jobs.
This didn’t need to happen. We had already perfected high-speed automation of production and had those plants operating.  More should have been done to protect US jobs prior to the 1993 approval of NAFTA.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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