Friday, November 6, 2015

Bad US Immigration Policy

In the 1960s, academic pin-heads were predicting that the US population would shift to having a majority of minorities. These were the same clowns who thought world hunger was the panic issue in 1960.  After that, we cranked up food production and “world hunger” wasn’t brought on by a lack of production.  It did occur in isolated 3rd world countries, mainly due to weather and corrupt government policies.
We’ve had a bad US Immigration policy since the 1968.  It got bad because we didn’t close the border and we expanded it way beyond the “graduate engineer” and “agriculture guest-worker” categories.  Anchor babies and chain migration further added to the influx.
In 1989, we doubled down and increased immigration from 500 thousand a year to over 1 million a year.  Since then we’ve gone to 2 million and 3 million immigrants a year.  They are eligible for medical treatment, welfare programs and public schooling.
Liberals were using demographic trends to justify opening the flood-gates to immigrants, because the baby-boomers were going to collect Social Security with fewer payers, from 17:1 to 3:1.  Liberals also managed to slaughter 60 million US babies through abortion to further buttress their cultural sabotage plans.  Liberals infiltrated the federal government and academia and the Immigration Services and made this happen on purpose.
The last time unemployment was this high was in the 1930s and we shut down immigration completely for several years. Why aren’t we doing that now ?  Instead, we are doubling down on increasing immigration by adding 70,000 Muslim refugee terrorists, despite the problems they’ve caused in Europe over the past decades.  We also have 102 million working-age US citizens without jobs and millions of college grads flipping burgers. Our real unemployment is 38%.
We are broke.  We will owe $20 trillion in national debt and another $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities and loan guarantees. We need to clean house and fire the Liberals in the Congress, the White House and the US government.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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