Monday, November 9, 2015

Bribery & Extortion for TPP

U.S. Companies ‘Bow’ to Obama’s ‘Global Treaty, Most dangerous legacy he’s going to leave us with is this corporatist state’
(Conservative Review) – Hijacking the lobbying power of big business to advance the progressive agenda is a bedrock of President Obama’s political strategy.  Fearing the wrath of big government, too many companies cower at President Obama’s feet and eagerly do the president’s bidding.

The establishment of a corporatist state will be one of the most destructive legacies of President Obama. Obamacare became law because big business wanted it and now a legion of companies are now backing the president’s climate change agenda.
Fast-forward to 2015 and a number of big businesses are tripping over themselves to participate in Obama’s American Business Act on Climate Pledge.
With ObamaCare, fear of harsh regulations prompted pharmaceutical companies to work a deal with Obama on drug prices and drug re-importation. After securing favorable terms, the drug industry aggressively lobbied for ObamaCare including a $150 million advertising campaign.
Fast-forward to 2015 and a number of big businesses are tripping over themselves to participate in Obama’s American Business Act on Climate Pledge.
According to the White House, 81 companies have signed the pledge that includes supporting, “…a strong outcome,” in the upcoming United Nations meeting in Paris on climate change and a commitment “…to reduce their emissions, increase low-carbon investments, deploy more clean energy, and take other actions to build more sustainable businesses and tackle climate change.”
The backers of Obama’s climate change pledge represent a diverse array of companies ranging from technology, to consumer products and industrial companies.
While some businesses like renewable energy companies see a profit motive by signing up, others are seeking a public relations benefit by siding with environmental activists and their media allies.  Another group of companies see the pledge as a way to cozy up to Obama to prevent a regulatory attack from the government.
Fear, not profit, appears to be the motivation for some companies. Companies did not rally on their own to support Obama’s climate change pledge. Rather they were actively recruited by White House Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett.
The Daily Caller’s Michael Bastasch wrote about a letter circulating in the business community that mentioned Jarrett was reaching out to companies to get them to support Obama’s goals for the Paris meeting.
While EPA regulations targeting emissions from power plants have bankrupted a number of coal mining companies, the attack on coal will benefit corporations that sell renewable energy.
Jarrett was rounding up the usual suspects to support Obama. GE, Pepsi, and Johnson and Johnson were companies that previously supported Obama’s cap-and-trade policy to fight global warming.
Companies have every reason to fear the government since Obama is using the power of the executive branch to reward some companies and punish others.
While EPA regulations targeting emissions from power plants have bankrupted a number of coal mining companies, the attack on coal will benefit corporations that sell renewable energy.
With Obama’s aggressive tactics serving as a background companies selling politically incorrect products feel especially vulnerable.
For example, Coke and Pepsi are under considerable public pressure from consumer activist groups that blame sugar sweetened beverages for obesity.  Most worrisome for beverage company executives are calls for taxing soda.

Already facing a drop in demand for carbonated beverages from changing consumer preferences, the last thing these companies need is an Obama war on soda. The idea of a national soda tax is not far-fetched.  In a 2009 interview with Men’s Health Obama supported the concept of a tax on soda saying, “I actually think it’s an idea that we should be exploring. There’s no doubt that our kids drink way too much soda.”
Adding to Coke and Pepsi’s concern is Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign aimed at reducing childhood obesity.  At one point Mrs. Obama commented positively about former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s effort to ban large serving sizes of sugary beverages.

Seeing impending doom on the horizon beverage company CEOs leaped at the opportunity to do a favor for Obama. When Jarrett asked for companies to jump for climate change the response was how high.
Superficially, this is an easy call for consumer product companies since their businesses are not significant contributors of carbon dioxide and climate change regulations will not bankrupt their industry like the coal industry.
However, their businesses are not immune to the consequences of regulations that boost the price of fossil fuels.  Rising energy prices will add to the business cost of transporting products and added fuel and utility costs will also take more money out of the hands of consumers.

Finally, it’s only a matter of time before some activist group recognizes that in addition to having lots sugar, those bubbles in soda are from none other than carbon dioxide – a pollutant according to the EPA.
CEOs foolishly think by supporting Obama’s climate change policy they can buy peace and prevent the progressive attack against their companies.  It’s only a matter of time before the progressive bell tolls for politically incorrect products like soda.
The TPP is suicide for jobs and sovereignty. The Enemy Within includes Obama, the Democrat Congress, the UN, the Communist foundations and non-profits, the Banksters and the Big global Crony Companies are already controlling the US government and it’s killing us.  The TPP is the lid on this stew.  US jobs will all go to new immigrants, UN courts will dictate US law, our electric bills will increase 500%, our Constitution will be completely shredded.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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