Monday, November 9, 2015

No Gun Permits needed in Maine

Landmark Gun Legislation Goes into Effect in the 23rd State

Law enforcement in the state of Maine is a bit on edge, wondering whether or not there will be an increase in crime now that citizens of Maine may carry a gun without a permit. Commonly known as Constitutional Carry, this went into effect on 15 October of this year.

If the nervous officers would take a look at neighboring Vermont, where no permit has been required to carry for a significant number of years, they’ll see that crime rates actually dropped.

For local gun shops and ranges, business is booming. Many are reporting an upswing in sales, stating they are seeing more women and couples purchasing guns. Sales on holsters for concealment are also on the rise.

“I have a Glock 40 and I have a .22 magnum and I have a .380,” says Crystal Boone of Lincoln.

She says she had some familiarity with firearms and decided to sign up for a training course at Trident Armory. She says the instruction has greatly improved her level of confidence and sense of comfort in using a handgun and that the idea of concealed carry is going to quickly catch on among single women concerned about personal safety.

“I personally know at least five other women that are interested in taking this course so that they can get confident with their guns,” Boone says. “To me that’s why a lot of women don’t carry is because they’re not confident and I feel like there’s going to be a lot more people doing it because of this concealed carry law coming up.”

Despite having proof that more guns do indeed equal less crime, many shy away from gun ownership due to the belief that guns are inherently bad.

The fear that gun crime will rise is based on false information. States such as Vermont see crime rates fall, while cities such as New York and Chicago, where the strictest gun controls in the nation are in effect, shootings and gun crimes are continuing to rise.

Congratulations, Maine, for allowing your citizens to exercise their right to protect themselves and their loved ones.

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