Sunday, November 8, 2015

Liberals are Intolerant

Scientist Disgusted By What His Research Proves About Liberals, by John Thomas, 10/29/15

Liberals have a nasty habit of accusing conservatives of the very things liberals are guilty of. And now science proves it. That’s right. Science proves that liberals are racists. (hat tip to here for the link.)

Which really explains a lot, when you think about it. People have a tendency to recognize and try to fix in other people what is wrong with themselves.

This would explain why Al Gore and Barack Obama talk about the “wasteful greed” of the ultra-rich 1% (ever see how they live on the taxpayer’s dime?). It explains why they keep trying to shove gun control down our throats (because they couldn’t be trusted not to shoot people at any knee-jerk impulse). writes, “Perhaps most surprisingly, those who were taking part in the study were claimed to be predominantly liberal. “Dr. Colin Holbrook, a behavioral scientists at the anthropology department at the University of California Los Angeles who led the study, said: ‘I’ve never been so disgusted by my own data.

“‘I think our study participants, who were overall on the liberal end of the spectrum, would be dismayed to know this about themselves.”

It’s no surprise to me, though. Isn’t it always the person who wants to run your life who is the person who is out of control and messed up? That’s right, we’re talking about liberal busybodies. What do you think: Sound science or as biased as climate change “research?” Comment below.


My own view of people comes from the “normal curve”. It shows general abilities from low to high with a big hump in the middle. I think it applies to each race, sex and culture. No one group has more or less ability than another. Outcomes are based on choices and opportunities. Freedom to be self-directed and self-supporting and property rights are required. Oppressive governments are working against human nature with anti-family taxes, anti-business regulations anti-people discrimination laws.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader  

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