Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Tea Parties are Thriving

We keep seeing in the lame stream (Sarah Palin's term) media the Tea Party is dead, the Tea Party is over.  Really!  How about this? 

Tea Party backed favorites Matt Blevin and Jenean Hampton were running for Governor and Lieutenant Governor in the state of Kentucky.  All the polls showed them slightly behind up until election time. Fortunately, the voters felt different and they won by 9%. What makes this interesting?  Blevin is the first Republican Governor since 1952 and Hampton is the first black woman to be elected to a state office in Kentucky history.

Moving on the Houston....We have the news of the transgender law commonly known as the bathroom law.   This law, if you can believe such a thing would allow ANYONE who claimed to be female to legally enter the women’s bathroom.  Again, the funny part of all this is, the self-proclaimed lesbian mayor of Houston and a lot of big businesses spent millions on this but of course, once again, American voters defeated this by a huge margin.  Once again, the Tea Parties in Texas were a big part of this.

I wish I could claim the next item was a Tea Party victory but I'm not sure there are any Tea Parties in San Francisco.  But, there are conservatives, believe it or not. The San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi who became semi-famous for defending the sanctuary cities and his role in allowing the murderer of Kate Steinle (Kate's Law) to go free instead of detaining him for federal immigration officials as requested was ousted by a land slide.

I read that the Tea Party movement is over because we are not holding demonstrations.  Here is what we are doing... working to replace useless politicians.  Since Obama took office democrats have lost 12 governorships, 13 senate seats, 69 house seats and over 900 state legislator seats.  I can't claim we did all of this, but we were certainly a large part of it.  In fact, the only people that seem to not get this are the national establishment republicans.
Keep up the Good Work Tea Party.

"When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat." - Ronald Reagan

You have to laugh to keep from crying.

Obama Trade, soon to be voted on has over 2 million words, that's 3 times as many as in the Bible.  Can you say excessive verbiage?

An illegal alien group has presented their DEMANDS for an illegal immigrant bill of rights which includes, among other things, free medical care. Can you say drain on our economy?

Mitch McConnell opened the last round of budget negotiations by demanding cuts to social security and Medicare.  Can you say RINO?

California campus student who stabbed several people with a butcher knife has been identified as Farsal Mohammed.   Authorities say he left a hand written manifesto including a vow to "cut someone’s head off".  His manifesto also has 5 reminders between stabbings to praise Allah. Authorities further tell us they are working to discover the motive. Can you say DUH?

Frank Oglesby, Chairman, Tea Party of Gilmer County

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