Saturday, November 7, 2015

Repeal Obamacare

Unaffordable: ObamaCare Premiums Rise 3 Times Faster Than Feds Claim, 11/5/15,  

We've come a long, long way from the days when President Obama and others promised that ObamaCare would bend the cost curve down.

According to a new investigation from the Daily Caller, ObamaCare premiums are now rising even faster than government officials claim they are:

ObamaCare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase claimed by federal officials, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The discrepancy is because the government excluded price data for three of the four ObamaCare health insurance plans when the officials issued their recent forecast claiming enrollees would face only a 7.5 percent average rate increase in 2016.

When data for all four plans are included, premium costs will actually rise on average 20.3 percent next year. The 2015 ObamaCare price hike was 20.3 percent.

This is what they call affordable? These double-digit rate increases are just another one of ObamaCare's many broken promises. If you've been affected by these rising premiums, or have lost your doctor or your prescription plan, we want to hear about it.

Visit today, and submit your video testimonial to us at

Source: Heather Madden, Project Manager, Independent Women's Voice

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