Saturday, November 7, 2015

Transgender is Creepy

Are You More Transphobic Than A 5th Grade Girl?  by: Scott Greer 11/5/15 The Daily Caller

The cultural Left was dealt a stunning defeat in Houston on Tuesday night. The Texas megalopolis put up its proposed “Equal Rights Ordinance” on the ballot this past Election Day and voters rejected it by a wide margin.

The ordinance, touted by its supporters as an “expansion” of civil rights protections, was quashed in large part due to its opponents campaigning against the bill which would allow men who identify as female to enter women’s bathrooms. That’s a scary thought primarily because it could give a pass to predators to follow little girls into those same restrooms.  


Children and teenagers who are engaged in building their skills to pursue the things they love to do probably are not as vulnerable to “suggestion” as children and teenagers who are not so engaged.

These are the children and teenagers who are at risk.  Our federal government is forever involved in sabotaging these kids. 

LGBT is the latest “diversion” our government is “offering” to our disenchanted youth. These kids are vulnerable to drugs, problematic immorality and victimhood.

Counselors have been warned to encourage the LGBT delusion and threatened by government if they don’t.

The least we can do for the vulnerable kids is to stop the federal government from damaging them any more than they are destined to damage themselves.  Kids are vulnerable to fads and this fad is extremely destructive and expansive.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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