Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Cowardly House Republicans

From Conrad Quagliaroli, 9/21/19. Cherokee County Tea Party Leader.

P.S. For those who have asked, if you are a citizen, you are a Congressional Supervisor, it's your birthright...and your duty.

1. This survey went out to three groups, Republican Party activists, Tea Party Leaders and Tea Party members. And as you can see 94% did not think Republicans were winning in Washington.

Question #1 of the 117 who answered this question 110 (94.0%) said Republicans in Congress were not winning
*makes them look weak as they fold under liberal pressure.
*I am sick and tired of their weakness *stop caving to get along,
*Basically we have elected some pretty weak congressmen
*they are backing down to the Dems too much.
*I do not want them to be afraid of the media
*They are pathetic-afraid of their own shadows.
*They're afraid to be bold
*Mitch McConnell who doesn't fight very much
*Republicans still don't understand that they need to be fighting for anything.
*but they are all cowards.
*Don’t fight for anthing. All they do is cave to the democrats and don’t fight. No guts
*Trump He is only one with courage to fight against the media and Democrats.
*Are these men of American stock? The LEAST they should be doing is “speaking out against
the violence the Democrats and the media is encouraging toward Trump supporters.”
*Republicans are not fighting back for our Rights
*They are too weak and too cripplingly political correct
*They are gutless.
*republicans are non-responsive and it’s embarrassing!!
*Republicans need to quit fearing the radical left press
*They’re too weak and afraid to fight.
*Republicans in Congress are to afraid of Democrats to do anything
*They seem to be spineless
*I don’t understand why they are all so timid.
*They need to be far more assertive.
*They are lacking specific body parts. (NOTE: I assume they were referring to something bulls have) but
cows don’t)
*We need voices in Congress who are just as loud on the other side.
*Then they need to stand up, pull up the suspenders
*They should stand against all the ills the Dems are doing and courageously speak out about it,
rather than act like a turtle shrink their heads in.
*there are only a handful of Republicans with the guts and backbone to do so. Most of them are
like children hiding behind mommy's apron.
*It’s time for the Republicans to develop a backbone.
*Doug Collins is the only republican with back bone to speak out
*I don’t think I have heard many GA Republicans speak out against the Democratic party’s
authoritarian fascist behavior. Maybe they are waiting for permission?
*They refuse to fight the Democrats
*Republicans lay down and take the criticism of the Democrats
*Yes. That would certainly help, but I really don't see that happening. Sad, isn't it?

From: Shelly Kennedy <>
Date: Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: Shelly-Survey results
To: Conrad Quagliaroli <>
This is a common theme, gutless spineless republicans. GA is not unique that way. We want fighters. We elect fighters then they flip to establishment. The only solution is to un-elect non-performing Republicans, and elect fighters in their place. And keep doing this. Wash, rinse, repeat. Regards, Shelly

"Establishment Republicans might be more embarrassed by this book than Democrats. Democrats are portrayed as scheming, dishonest and cut-throat, but at least they are good at it. The Republicans, meanwhile are apathetic, myopic, gullible, and cowardly.”
How damaging is that! That does not sound like Newt thinks Republicans are winning in Washington either. This is Newt talking, not the rank and file and...he said it THIS YEAR!

Congressman Mark Meadows was one of the speakers at the Resurgent Group convention today. Both he and Jody Hice were on stage with Erick today and I found it noteworthy when Mark Meadows thanked those in the room for their hard work by saying; “you worked hard and gave us the House, then the excuse was but we need the Senate, so you worked hard and gave us the Senate, then the excuse was but we need the presidency, so you worked hard and gave us the presidency, and what did we do...WE FUMBLED THE BALL!” This from Mark Meadows! That does not sound like Meadows thinks Republicans are winning in Washington either
I recently conducted a 3 question survey about Republicans in Washington because I wanted to demonstrate to members of congress that the folks back home are not happy with them, but if they spoke out against the violence the Democrats are encouraging against Trump supporters, that would encourage them.

I'm concerned we will re-elect President Trump in 2020, but not regain the majority in the House. Which will mean more of madness we have witnessed with Trumps agenda going nowhere, being blocked at every turn and....heaven help us if we lose the senate in 2020 or 2022. Trump won't even be able to get one judge appointed to any court in the land, let alone the Supreme Court!!

If you agree with question #3 please share this post with your friends and both your senators and your congressman. And maybe, together, we can get them to speak out and tamp down the violence that is directed towards us.
I think the way to regain the House is to have Republicans in Washington speak out (see responses to question #3)

Conrad Quagliaroli, Volunteer Congressional Supervisor


2. While 127 responded, not everyone answered every question. Here are the results from each question;
QUESTION # 1. Do you think the Republicans in congress in Washington are winning? (Winning is defined as advancing the Republican agenda and stopping the Democratic agenda)

QUESTION #2. Who do you think has done the most in Washington, Trump or the Republicans in Congress and why? Question #2 of the 125 who answered this question 125 (100%) said Trump has done more in Washington than the Republicans in Congress.

QUESTION #3. Would it make you feel like the Republicans in Congress were back if they all spoke out against the violence the Democrats and the media is encouraging toward Trump supporters? Question #3 of the 111 who answered this question 106 (95.4%) said that yes, it make them feel like the Republicans in Congress were fighting back if they all spoke out against the violence the Democrats and the media is encouraging toward Trump supporters?

3. In those answers you will find the following comments (listed below) about Republicans in Congress referring to them as GUTLESS, PATHETIC, AFRAID, WEAK, CAVING, COWARDS, SPINELESS, TIMID, FEARFUL, they lay down and don’t fight. As one put it…Sad, isn't it?

4. The following is an email I received from an old Tea Party contact in New York. Notice that she says she is not surprised by the above comments as she is hearing the same thing in New York where she lives.

---------- Forwarded message ---------

5. In 2019 Newt Gingrich wrote the forward to the book Obstruction of Justice which came out in early 2019. The following is the paragraph Newt Gingrich picked out to quote, out of the WHOLE BOOK, which said Republicans were COWARDLY;

6. Lastly, are the comments of Congressman Mark Meadows who said “Republicans in congress fumbled the ball” See his comments below;

Source: Tea Party Email.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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