Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Trump Agenda Unstoppable

August Jobs Report Smashes Democrat Hopes for Recession 
How did the Democrats, who used to fight for working Americans, become a party where the following would be bad news for them? Take a look at the recent United States Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report for August 2019:
The number of people employed increased by an astonishing 590,000. The total employment numbers reached an all-time high of about 157.9 million. The U.S. unemployment rate held at a historical 3.7%, a 50-year low.

Unemployment among Hispanics and African Americans also hit an all-tine low. Whenever this stat about minorities historically low unemployment comes out. Democrats try to say that all those jobs are low-paying with stagnant pay, but they will likewise be sad to learn that:

August 2019 was the 13th month in a row that wages increased by at least 3% for the year. Wage increases for workers (3.5%) were higher than for managers (2%).
So, a worker earning the average hourly rate of $23.59 for a 40-hour week saw a healthy raise of about $1,650 for the year.

Remember Nancy Pelosi’s trashing President Trump’s tax cut? Multi-millionaire Nancy arrogantly characterized the cut as “crumbs” for the ordinary worker. However, in 2018, the average U.S. worker took home an average $1,400 more because of the tax cut.

However, all that great news did not meet the predictions of the pointy-headed purveyors of fuzzy math we know as “economic experts.” For example, there was Obama economist Larry Summers, who typified Democrat economic philosophy. Just before President Trump took office, Summers referred to the health of the U.S. economy as “the age of secular stagnation.”

The order of the day during the age of “Obamunism” was gloom and economic defeatism. Just like Jimmy Carter, Obama felt that our country’s best days were behind us. Both were proved wrong—Carter by the optimism and leadership of Ronald Reagan, Obama by a leader who saw what was going wrong and took steps to change course.

The course change Donald Trump ordered resulted in some dramatic successes. The new administration slashed regulations and lowered corporate taxes. Since the end of 2016, our nation has gained an astounding 6.1 million new jobs! Contrast that to the previous Congressional Budget Office 10-year economic projections of just 2 million through 2019.

Despite those successes, the Democrats and the news media have been the “cheerleaders” of gloom and doom. President Trump colluded with the Russians to get elected, they said. President Trump’s tax cuts were just a gift to the wealthy, while poorer Americans struggle while working at two jobs, they said. Economic progress? Nope. We’re actually looking at a recession, they said.

And, oh boy, that could mean a defeat for President Trump in 2020. In fact, the news media seemed to actually hope for bad economic news. Normal Americans, meanwhile, just scratched their heads in wonder. How could a recession be imminent when most of us have more money to spend and crowds of shoppers are everywhere?

In any case, if there is anything that personifies how out of touch Democrats are with normal people, it’s their menagerie of presidential hopefuls. They desperately need to change the subject. Yes, folks, the sky is falling. We are at a tipping point in a crisis of climate change, rising oceans, and endangered polar bears. We are all going to die.

Okay, so the ocean level actually hasn’t swamped New Jersey yet and the average temperature rise in the last century has been a little over one degree, but the scientific community is 97% behind us on this: We only have 11 (or was it 12?) years to fix this, and your Democrat leaders want to spend trillions on solar panels, wind farms and soybean meat substitutes.

So, basing a political party’s election platform on actually abolishing prosperity through banning air travel and off and onshore energy production might seem odd to some. But Democrats have been out of touch with reality since Hillary Clinton’s and Rachel Maddow’s election night meltdown.

President Trump has essentially triggered a brand of political post-traumatic stress among Democrats. As they veer further into minefield of what leftists like crazy Bernie Sanders consider as normal, President Trump will probably goad that nutty crowd into presenting a bill of impeachment before the next election.

The President knows what makes those wackos tick. Democrats also know that impeachment hearings and the bill’s subsequent death in the Senate could mean another four years of a Trump presidency.

They know it, but they can’t stop themselves. Their last hope was the Robert Mueller fiasco. What’s left now is choosing the hill they want to die on.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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