Friday, January 30, 2015

GA Tax Hike 7.7 cents for gasoline proposed

House Republicans have released talking points of their transportation plan that will increase your gas prices 7.7 cents per gallon. We are still analyzing it but here are the brief points of interest to you so far. Stay tuned for a more complete analysis in an email we will send in a few days. I felt it important to get this out to you asap.
1. House Republicans have concocted a scheme wherein they call a tax increase a tax "conversion" by converting the gas tax into an excise tax.  It will raise one billion new dollars in new revenue according to the talking points, but House Republicans attempt to claim it doesn't raise taxes.
2. YOUR gas prices will rise at least 7.7 cents per gallon   House Republicans are causing everyday Georgians to be burdened with higher taxes/ gas prices while they give large corporations massive tax breaks and are helping fund a parking deck for the new Atlanta Falcons stadium.
3. According to the talking points,  the House Republican Plan will fund  the central Georgia Transportation Infrastructure Bank so that "a revolving, self-sustaining, loan/grant fund is created to incentivize governments, authorities, CIDs and other entities to provide matching funds for local construction of projects."   Unelected bureaucrats in development authorities, CIDs and other entities will be allocating YOUR tax dollars.
4. The talking points state the House Republican plan will allocate funding to the 128 transit authorities that serve Georgia.
If any of this troubles you, then pick up the phone and call Speaker Ralston's office and YOUR state House Representative and let them know how you feel. Thanks for taking time  to read this - Debbie Dooley, Tea Party Patriots

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