Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Sessions Response to Obama

Sessions Responds To President's State Of The Union Address "The President delivered an address tonight to a Congress whose authority he does not recognize and to a public whose votes he has nullified with an imperial edict."
WASHINGTON-U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) issued the following statement tonight in response to President Obama's State of the Union address:
"Tonight President Obama stayed the course of tax, spend, borrow, regulate, and add to the debt. This policy has hammered working families, whose average inflation-adjusted income has fallen a stunning $4,200 since 2009. Labor force participation for both men and women between 25-54 has been steadily falling since the President took office, while 12 million people have left the workforce entirely.
On the national security front, President Obama has once again failed to deliver a clear vision for combating the threat of ISIS and Islamic extremism, and has still not lucidly articulated the nature of the threat challenging the West.
On immigration, the President remains wedded to a lawless policy that serves only the interest of an international elite while reducing jobs and benefits for everyday Americans. All net employment gains since the recession in 2007 have gone to foreign workers, and yet the President has violated federal law in order to provide work permits to 5 million illegal immigrants-allowing them to take any of the few good jobs that exist. In effect, the President delivered an address tonight to a Congress whose authority he does not recognize and to a public whose votes he has nullified with an imperial edict. Congress must use every tool at its disposal to stop this unlawful edict, end the immigration lawlessness, and reverse our slide towards congressional irrelevance."
U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) serves on four Senate committees: Armed Services, Judiciary, Environment and Public Works, and the Budget Committee.
Source: Visit Sessions online at his website <> or via YouTube<>, Facebook<>, and Twitter<>. Note: Please do not reply to this email. For further information, contact Sen. Sessions' Press Office January 20, 2014 Contact: Stephen Miller, 202.224.4124

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