Sunday, January 25, 2015

Marxist Groups want a Communist Constitution

Marxist groups are endorsing a Convention of States along with hapless groups who don’t understand the danger of calling an Article V Constitutional Convention.  Most hapless groups have called for a “balanced budget amendment” to the US Constitution.  Marxist groups have several new versions of a constitution to advance the march toward a totalitarian communist world government, like the New States constitution.  Other Left-Wing groups and non-profits are following the lead of the Marxist groups.  You will see Unitarian Church and church associated “peace and justice” groups on this list. I expect most churches will be more visibly divided by political ideological beliefs.

You won’t find conservative groups like Heritage or Club for Growth on this list.

And Hundreds of Other Organizations...


Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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