Wednesday, January 21, 2015

White House Methane Madness

Posted on January 21, 2015 Written by S. Fred Singer,
Siegfried Fred Singer is an Austrian-born Amer­i­can physi­cist and emer­i­tus pro­fes­sor of envi­ron­men­tal sci­ence at the Uni­ver­sity of Virginia
Con­trary to per­sis­tent claims by envi­ron­men­tal­ists, Methane is not an impor­tant green­house gas (GHG); it has a totally neg­li­gi­ble impact on cli­mate.  Attempts to con­trol methane emis­sions make lit­tle sense; the just-announced [Jan 14] White House plan to reduce emis­sions by 40 to 45% by 2025 ignores well-established ‘text-book’ science.
Methane (chem­i­cal for­mula CH4) is the main com­po­nent of nat­ural gas.  It may tech­ni­cally be defined as a green­house gas since it absorbs strongly in some por­tions of the infrared spec­trum; but its impact on cli­mate is insignif­i­cant.  Its atmos­pheric level has been increas­ing because about half of the methane is pro­duced by processes related to human activ­i­ties, such as cat­tle rais­ing, rice agri­cul­ture, land­fills, and the pro­duc­tion of oil and nat­ural gas; it is also released in coal min­ing and from leaky nat­ural gas pipelines.  The major non-human sources include swamps and bogs.
Some decades ago I pre­dicted [Nature 1971] anthro­pogenic methane pro­duc­tion and esti­mated val­ues that are roughly in accord with mod­ern ones.  At that time, I was pri­mar­ily inter­ested in what hap­pens to methane once is dif­fuses into the stratos­phere.  We found that the cur­rent human-associated pro­duc­tion of methane was equiv­a­lent to a fleet of 500 SSTs (super­sonic trans­port air­craft) deposit­ing water vapor into the dry stratos­phere; these esti­mates have since been con­firmed by balloon-borne radioson­des.  Many will recall that in the early 1970s, fear of ozone deple­tion and increase in skin can­cers led to the demise of the US-SST project—although eco­nomic argu­ments already showed that at that time SSTs made lit­tle sense.
EPA plans to con­trol methane emissions
The White House now plans to impose a new set of reg­u­la­tions on the oil and nat­ural gas indus­tries, tar­get­ing emis­sions of methane — even as emis­sions plum­met.  Accord­ing to the Wall Street Jour­nal:
“Over­all emis­sions fell 4.7% between 1990 and 2008 and 6.3% between 2008 and 2012, the most recent year an esti­mate is avail­able in the EPA’s green­house gas inven­tory. Nat­ural gas is the source of less than a third of the total, the next largest being “enteric fer­men­ta­tion,” or live­stock flat­u­lence. Those, er, emis­sions rose 2.3% over 1990–2012.”
The basis for pro­posed con­trol of methane is the usual shoddy cli­mate sci­ence, as prop­a­gated in var­i­ous UN-IPCC (Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Panel on Cli­mate Change) reports.  These claim that the “global warm­ing poten­tial” of a methane mol­e­cule is about 50 times that of CO2 — and that cli­mate forc­ing from growth of atmos­pheric methane is about 20% of CO2’s.  IPCC esti­mates are too high by as much as a fac­tor of 100.  They made two basic sci­en­tific errors, as can be read­ily shown [see below].  They over­looked the fact that the infrared absorp­tion bands of atmos­pheric water vapor cover those of methane (as pointed out by my physi­cist col­league Dr. Tom Shea­hen); one sim­ply can­not absorb the same radi­a­tion twice.  Fur­ther, the methane bands are located far from the peak of the sur­face heat emis­sion spec­trum, where there is lit­tle energy avail­able to be absorbed.  I don’t know how IPCC got their wrong num­bers.  In truth, get­ting the right num­bers involves a lot of detailed work.
Details of methane impacts
While the cli­mate effects of methane have been vastly over­es­ti­mated by the IPCC, the detailed cal­cu­la­tions are quite dif­fi­cult and require inputs of radi­a­tion data from satellites.
1.  The infrared absorp­tion bands of methane, at wave­lengths of roughly 3 and 8 microns, are over­lain by absorp­tion from water vapor.  But once the water vapor absorbs the radi­a­tion in these bands, there is really noth­ing left for methane to absorb.  So the esti­mates of methane being 20–70 times more effec­tive per mol­e­cule than CO2 (as esti­mated by IPCC), or that methane forc­ing is 20% of CO2 forc­ing, as shown in var­i­ous IPCC reports, makes absolutely no sense.
2.  How­ever, the effect of methane on cli­mate may not be quite zero.  Much depends on the alti­tude and lat­i­tude dis­tri­b­u­tion of water vapor, which is highly vari­able.  Imag­ine, for exam­ple, that all water vapor is con­cen­trated near the earth’s sur­face and there­fore absorbs the emit­ted infrared from the land sur­face and ocean.  Methane, on the other hand, has a life­time of about 8 years, long enough to be well mixed in the atmos­phere.  It will there­fore absorb the radi­a­tion emit­ted from the water vapor in the ‘bound­ary layer’ and pro­duce what amounts to a lim­ited amount of cli­mate forc­ing.  Sep­a­rately, one must also con­sider the com­pli­cated effects of the stratos­pheric water vapor cre­ated there by dif­fused methane.
Clearly, we should look at the radi­a­tion emit­ted into space in the appro­pri­ate infrared bands to see if there’s any trace of methane absorp­tion. For this pur­pose one can use data from the AIRS satel­lite, taken at var­i­ous times and loca­tions, such as over the trop­i­cal ocean, the Sahara desert, and the East– Antarc­tic plateau.
3.  Finally, we have to note that the emit­ted infrared from the sur­face is that of a “black body” with a tem­per­a­ture peak near 15 microns.  This means that the actual energy con­tained in the methane absorp­tion bands is quite small, although not com­pletely neg­li­gi­ble.  But it cer­tainly does not amount to 20%, as claimed by the IPCC.
Lit­tle need for methane control
So there are good rea­sons to doubt that methane, although (tech­ni­cally) a green­house gas, has impor­tant cli­mate con­se­quences.  This will come as a bit­ter dis­ap­point­ment to envi­ron­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions that have been revving up to impose emis­sion con­trols on methane, once they have imposed con­trols on CO2.  It would mean the end to all sorts of non­sen­si­cal schemes, such as con­trol­ling the diet of cows.
On the other hand, the anthro­pogenic increase of methane does lead to an increase in stratos­pheric water vapor.  Although slight, it may have pos­si­ble, minute cli­mate effects.  But more impor­tant is its effect on stratos­pheric ozone; this is some­thing that should be con­sid­ered by the Mon­treal Pro­to­col and all those who worry about ozone deple­tion.  Note, how­ever, that accord­ing to UN reports there has been no evi­dence for any stratos­pheric deple­tion since 1993.
Accord­ing to the WSJ edi­to­r­ial, from 2008–2012 the “U.S. became the world’s natural-gas leader, with pro­duc­tion increas­ing by nearly four­fold since 2008. The U.S. added 600,000 miles of gas pipeline, a 30% increase, util­i­ties sub­sti­tuted gas for coal on a mas­sive scale, and the econ­omy grew. Methane emis­sions nonethe­less fell.”
The edi­to­r­ial goes on to suggest:
“The real rea­son methane has become an obses­sion of the green lobby is that it some­times leaks when extract­ing or trans­port­ing oil and espe­cially nat­ural gas. Thus methane [con­trol] can be a pre­text for inter­fer­ing with and rais­ing the costs of drilling.” 
So in addi­tion to a sim­ple ’power-grab’ that expands EPA’s reg­u­la­tory reach, we have here an attempt to crip­ple the one bright spot of US energy pro­duc­tion.  Just who are these EPA folks work­ing for – and where is their science?
S. Fred Singer is pro­fes­sor emer­i­tus at the Uni­ver­sity of Vir­ginia and direc­tor of the Sci­ence & Envi­ron­men­tal Pol­icy Project.  His spe­cialty is atmos­pheric and space physics.  An expert in remote sens­ing and satel­lites, he served as the found­ing direc­tor of the US Weather Satel­lite Ser­vice and, more recently, as vice chair of the US National Advi­sory Com­mit­tee on Oceans & Atmos­phere.  He is a Senior Fel­low of the Heart­land Insti­tute and the Inde­pen­dent Insti­tute.  He co-authored the NY Times best-seller Unstop­pable Global Warm­ing: Every 1500 years.  In 2007, he founded and has chaired the NIPCC (Non­govern­men­tal Inter­na­tional Panel on Cli­mate Change), which has released sev­eral sci­en­tific reports [See].  
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