Thursday, July 19, 2018


The liberal media is harping on “meddling” by Russia in US elections in an attempt to fill time with more unfixable trivial things.  Meddling is trivial, but cyber-attacks and identity theft are really serious.  These two things need to be separated to avoid liberal new-speak.  Cybercrime needs to be punished, but trying to influence elections is its own issue.

Countries have always “meddled” in neighboring countries politics when their self-interest is at stake. The reasons countries don’t like to see their neighbors fail is that they don’t want to deal with the “refugees” and don’t like to see the cost of their imports increase. They also often have relatives in these neighboring countries and don’t want them to be victims of insurrections.

The introduction of ideology exacerbates this dilemma. Communists are always involved in political revolutions. Anti-Communist governments have always responded by backing the Anti-Communist groups in these countries using whatever means are available.

Benign “meddling” can involve simply being a good example to invite others to imitate us.  The US has always done this. This blog is viewed by most foreign countries and is likely read by those who agree with my free market approach and have seen the ill effects of dysfunction in their own and other countries.

The liberal campaign against “meddling” will likely take a turn to attack the malevolent “meddling” all “intelligence services” engage in. It will be used by the “left” as further “evidence” of how evil the US is.

I would hope that the US has learned the lesson that we can’t save the world from itself and the Vietnam War and Middle East wars were a waste of blood and treasure. I often wonder if we should have saved Europe, given how goofy the Europeans have become.

The question of sovereignty is brought into question every time a monster or an idiot is elected to lead other countries. Europe ignored the issue of sovereignty when they took over other countries in Africa and elsewhere in the Colonial period. Europe has recently ignored the issue of sovereignty as they formed and joined the EU. Now some of these EU member-countries may leave the EU to regain their sovereignty. These are the big issues.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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