Friday, May 24, 2024

Border Control 5-24-24

Countries like the Dominican Republic, who have close neighbors like Haiti, who are having trouble, need to ensure that trouble doesn’t enter their own country. Tight controls of their borders and controls on visas, travel and immigration should also apply. 

Knowledge of Israel’s history from 1948 to present is helpful to avoid foreign interference.

After World War 2, Britain was eager to remove its troops from the Middle East. The Holocaust prompted the establishment of Israel and this prompted the UN and surrounding Arab countries to support the establishment of Palestine.

The UN supported the establishment of Israel and Palestine in 1948.

Anti-Israeli Arab groups were quick to meddle and sabotage Israel. In 1948 Jews and Muslims had lived together as neighbors for decades. Both groups have interpersonal skills that allowed them to trade with other groups and countries. It required a plot by Arabs to create divisions. They immediately attacked the Muslim families that were close to their Jewish neighbors. At first it was an appeal for these Muslim families to join the anti-Jewish groups. When that failed the anti-Jewish Muslims threatened and harassed the peaceful Muslims. That worked.

The movie “Exodus” captures this bit of sabotage along with the early attacks on Israelis by local Muslims.

The UN set up a “refugee camp” for Muslims who were driven from their homes by the anti-Jewish Muslims.

This was the beginning of what became Palestine.  Other anti-Jewish Arab countries opened their prisons and insane asylums, put them on buses and sent them to the UN refugee camp in Palestine. As their population grew, the UN continued to support the establishment of Palestine.

In 1964, the Arab League founded the Palestine Liberation Organization

In 1967, the PLO named the destruction of Israel as its goal.

In June 1967, the 6 Days War began. Israel was attacked by Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

In the course of the Six-Day War in June 1967, Israel captured the rest of the area that had been part of the British Mandate of Palestine, taking the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) from Jordan and the Gaza Strip from Egypt. Following military threats by Egypt and Syria, including Egyptian president Nasser's demand of the UN to remove its peace-keeping troops from the Egyptian-Israeli border, in June 1967 Israeli forces went to action against Egypt, Syria and Jordan. As a result of that war, the Israel Defense Forces conquered the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula bringing them under military rule. Israel also pushed Arab forces back from East Jerusalem, which Jews had not been permitted to visit during the prior Jordanian rule.

In 1967, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 242, promoting the "land for peace" formula, which called for Israeli withdrawal from territories occupied in 1967, in return for the end of all states of belligerency by the aforementioned Arab League nations. Palestinians continued longstanding demands for the destruction of Israel or made a new demand for self-determination in a separate independent Arab state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip similar to but smaller than the original Partition area that Palestinians and the Arab League had rejected for statehood in 1947.[

In 1968, PLO Leader Yassar Arafat to become the first President of Palestine.

In the 1970s, Palestinians continued to harass Israelis with attacks in cities and rural areas with violent riots and suicide bombers.

In the course of 1973 Yom Kippur War, military forces of Egypt crossed the Suez canal and Syria to regain the Golan heights. The attacking military forces of Syria were pushed back. After a cease fire, Egyptian President Sadat Anwar Sadat started peace talks with the U.S. and Israel. Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt as part of the 1978 Camp David Peace Accords between Egypt and Israel.

In 1974, Palestine was officially recognized by the UN as a government.


There are several lessons to learn. The first is to avoid “help” from the UN and ignore all of its suggestions. The next is to be aware that refugees with incompatible values are a liability and should be returned to their original countries.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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