Monday, May 13, 2024

Weather Systems 5-13-24

The Sun's magnetic field goes through a cycle, called the solar cycle. Every 11 years or so, the Sun's magnetic field completely flips. This means that the Sun's north and south poles switch places. Then it takes about another 11 years for the Sun's north and south poles to flip back again. 

The solar cycle is an approximately 11-year cycle experienced by the Sun. During the solar cycle, the Sun's stormy behavior builds to a maximum, and its magnetic field reverses. Then, the Sun settles back down to a minimum before another cycle begins.

G1-G2 (Minor-Moderate) Geomagnetic Storm Watches 05-06 May 2024. A G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storm watch has been issued for 05 May and a G2 (Moderate) has been issued for 06 May (UTC Day) due to the potential arrival of a CME that left the Sun on 03 May.

One historical long-term correlation between solar activity and climate change is the 1645–1715 Maunder minimum, a period of little or no sunspot activity which partially overlapped the "Little Ice Age" during which cold weather prevailed in Europe.

The sun heats the ocean and hurricanes occur. The sun heats the air and tornados and thunder storms occur when warm air from the South and cold air from the North collide. There is no proof that CO2 causes global warming. We exhale CO2 and CO2 is a plant food. Carbon is released in forest fires and volcanic eruptions.

Satellite photos are tracking the shrinking of ice at the poles. A better theory would be that the heating and cooling of the earth is ruled by cycles that involve larger systems. Warm ocean water is ruled by currents and it moves to the poles, sinks and moves back down to recycle again. The jet stream moves air from west to east and dips to collide with warm air to produce rain. The tectonic plates move and cause earthquakes and disturb magma to cause volcanic eruptions.

The moon in orbit around the earth creates an electromagnetic field to provide the atmosphere we need to survive and shield us from the solar flares and meteorites burn up in our atmosphere before they can cause any damage. Clouds form from evaporated water to provide needed rain. The sun gives us vitamin D.

The earth is uniquely placed away from the asteroid belt. NASA is developing ways to deflect asteroids from hitting the earth and did this successfully last year to determine probable forces required.

Global warming periods increase plant growth. Ice ages like the one that ended in 11,000 BC and produced global cooling is far more dangerous to human beings. We should be more concerned if the polar ice was expanding.

We have air conditioning to deal with warmer weather and should have natural gas to burn to stay warm. If we can produce electricity, we can adjust to the warming periods.

There are many reasons to doubt the integrity of the global warming theories and most of them are political. Climate deniers and climate believers are separated by political ideology. The Climate believers are essentially Global Marxists and the Climate deniers are essentially Free Market Capitalists.

None of the theories supported by Global Marxists have panned out. I believe that Climate Change is a hoax designed to bankrupt western countries, end national sovereignty and consolidate nations into a UN front, Oligarchy controlled Marxist global government. The global warming scam was introduced in UN Agenda 21.

The tide has already turned on this hoax. European countries, who supported climate change in 1989 have already taken natural gas off its “greenhouse gas” list.  Underdeveloped countries will continue to burn wood to cook and coal to burn to produce electricity. They need clean water and effective sewer systems. They need to stabilize their economies and increase their productivity to benefit their citizens. 

Freon is a “greenhouse gas” that depletes our ozone layer. It is based on a similar reaction between nitrous oxide and ozone in the lower atmosphere. First, they propose, freons in the stratosphere absorb ultraviolet light in the 1,750 to 2,200 angstrom range, and chlorine is liberated. The liberated chlorine atom in turn attacks ozone, breaking it into oxygen. We were able to find coolants that were affordable and didn’t destroy ozone. I have not seen a similar case being made to make me think that CO2 and Methane in the atmosphere have any affect on global warming.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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