Sunday, May 19, 2024

Producing Electric Power 5-19-24

Hydropower provides very low cost electricity over its long lifetime, despite relatively high upfront construction costs. The global weighted average cost of electricity from hydropower projects in 2018 was US$0.047 per kWh, making it the lowest-cost source of electricity in many markets (IRENA). 

The full cost of electricity from a new natural gas plant is roughly 6.5 cents per KWh, according to a new Hamilton Project paper. This is more than 25 percent less than the full cost of electricity generated from existing coal plants.

A new study puts the generation costs for power from new nuclear plants at 25 to 30 cents per kilowatt-hour—triple current U.S. electricity rates!

Generally speaking, a typical solar system in the U.S. can produce electricity at the cost of $0.06 to $0.08 per kilowatt-hour.


Hydro is 5 cents per kwh. It used to be 1 cent per kwh. The cost of constructing a hydro plant is high.

Natural Gas is 6 cents per kwh. It used to be 3 cents per kwh

Solar is 6 to 8 cents per kwh. It used to be 14 cents per kwh

Nuclear is 25 to 30 cents per kwh due to unreasonable regulations

Big Wind Turbines in the ocean are too expensive to manufacture, install, repair and replace at $400 million each.

Conclusion: Natural Gas is the best bet and should be added to strengthen the grid..

A run-of-the-mill relatively common combined cycle natural gas plant will have around a 7,000 btu/kwh heat rate - or simply it will consume 7,000 btu of natural gas for every kwh produced. Running a 100 MW plant for 24 hours is 2,400 MWh or 2,400,000 kwh. 7,000 btu/kwh times 2,400,000 kwh is 16,800,000,000 btu.

Wind Power Costs

According to the US EIA, the average wholesale price of wind power in Texas is $26 per megawatt-hour (equivalent to 2.6 cents/kWh). Assuming a 3-MW wind turbine, the installed cost ranges from $2.31 to $2.55 million.

A home wind turbine costs $20,000 to $80,000 for a complete wind power system large enough to meet an average home's full energy demands.

$1,300,000 USD per megawatt. The typical wind turbine is 2-3 MW in power, so most turbines cost in the $2-4 million dollar range. Operation and maintenance runs an additional $42,000-$48,000 per year according to research on wind turbine operational cost.

How much does it cost to build a power plant that runs on wind energy?  While costs can vary, they generally hover around $1 million per MW. The total cost of an average turbine can range from $2.5 million to $4 million, though large offshore turbines can cost tens of millions. The most powerful 12 MW wind turbine costs up to $400 million to manufacture and install.

The same wind plant will, all other factors being equal, generate electricity at a cost of 4.8 cents/kWh in 7.16 m/s (16 mph) winds, 3.6 cents/kWh at 8.08 m/s (18 mph) winds, and 2.6 cents/kWh in 9.32 m/s (20.8 mph) winds. Larger wind farms provide economies of scale.

Solar Panel Costs

A  solar system in the U.S. can produce electricity at the cost of $0.06 to $0.08 per kilowatt-hour. On average, a solar panel will produce about 2 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity daily. That's worth an average of $0.36. Most homes install around 15 solar panels, producing an average of 30 kWh of solar energy daily. That's enough to cover most, if not all, of a typical home's energy consumption.

A 200 4x8 solar panel costs between $220 for 200 Watt and $400 for 240 Watt.

15, 240 watt solar panels at $400 per panel costs $6000 for materials.

The average U.S. residential electricity price rose 6.2%, from 15.04 cents per kilowatthour (kWh) in 2022 to 15.98 cents/kWh in 2023.

In 2002, the average cost of home solar panels in the U.S. was $12.2 per watt (W). In 2022, that price has dropped to $3.82 per watt.

Hazardous Chemicals

CDTe solar panels may be a hazardous due to cadmium. Gallium arsenide (GaAs) panels may be hazardous due to arsenic. Some older silicon solar panels may be hazardous waste for hexavalent chromium coatings. Newer, thin-film solar panels contain CIS/CIGS and may be hazardous due to copper and/or selenium.

Hazardous waste testing on solar panels in the marketplace has indicated that different varieties of solar panels have different metals present in the semiconductor and solder. Some of these metals, like lead and cadmium, are harmful to human health and the environment at high levels.

Workers in the solar energy industry are potentially exposed to a variety of serious hazards, such as arc flashes (which include arc flash burn and blast hazards), electric shock, falls, and thermal burn hazards that can cause injury and death.

These materials that could be dangerous (and toxic) include not just the solar panel's broken glass, but also components containing lead, arsenic, cadmium, and silicon. A careful and professional removal process should be practiced when handling broken solar panels.

Silicon. Silicon is, by far, the most common semiconductor material used in solar cells, representing approximately 95% of the modules sold today.

Solar power generates electricity relatively quietly, hence no noise pollution and making it suitable for locations where noise pollution is an issue. Many rooftops are suitable for commercial solar panel installation. There is no need for a direct grid connection while using solar power because you become your own solar provider.


In rural areas, solar energy can generate electricity without connecting to the grid. This approach is more cost-effective as compared to extending long wires that run into distant sites.

Most PV systems can operate for up to 30 years or longer. Photovoltaic cells and panels are made with certain chemicals; developers handle them cautiously to prevent harmful environmental releases. They use heavy metals in manufacturing some PV cell technologies, and when their useful life is over, they know how to cater to them afterward and handle them differently. 

Photovoltaic solar panels capture solar energy using concentrated solar power. The solar system doesn't contribute to increasing air or water pollution because they don't have a chimney or sewage pipe.

Based on our research, homeowners can expect to save an average of $1,530 on annual energy bills by installing a solar system.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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