Saturday, May 25, 2024

Voodoo History 5-25-24

Voodoo is an ancient pagan religion that began in Africa and developed along similar lines as pagan religions in Europe and South America. It was invented as an extension of rulers’ authority and provided a belief system that supported the ruler and formed a culture. It provided some answers to vital questions like, how do we make it rain, so the crops come in and we can have something to eat. The elements of nature became gods, like the sun god, rain god and Neptune, the sea god. The elements of human nature also became gods like the god of war and god of love. Rulers would insist that their people participate in rituals to honor the gods. The Greeks named Zues the king of the gods and made up stories about all the gods. The gods had all the human faults imaginable. The Inkas sacrificed babies to their gods to make the rain fall and the crops  grow.

Voodoo has changed names over the centuries. Its earlier spellings include Vodun, Voodoo and Vodou.

How old is Vodun religion? Its roots may go back 6,000 years in Africa. Vodun is a religion of many traditions. Each group follows a different spiritual path and reveres a slightly different pantheon of spirits. In one of its major forms they are call Loa, which means “mystery” in the Fon language.

One of the world's oldest religions, Voodoo originated in the kingdom of Dahomey — present-day Benin — and is rooted in animism, the belief that all things, from rocks and trees to animals and places, have a spirit.

Who are the African gods in voodoo? Lisa is the sun god who brings the day and the heat, and also strength and energy. Mawu, the moon goddess, provides the cool of the night, peace, fertility, and rain. It’s a short list of laughable pagan beliefs.

Part of the practice of Vodou is healing using herbs. African tribal rules were established to assign responsibilities for families. Both of these traditions have merit. Calling on spirits usually attract the wrong spirits. 

The introduction of Christianity in 5th century Rome and its spread throughout Europe and to America in the 16th century eradicated pagan religions. Some Asian religions are family-based. Others are exercises in contemplation or belief in incarnation and are not useful in increasing Labor Force Participation Rates.

The Voodoo practiced in Haiti is an angry reaction to slavery. The freed slaves of Haiti secretly rejected Christianity in favor of their original African tribal religion. The Catholic Church should pull out of Haiti and let the Evangelical Protestants try to convince Haitians that rocks don’t have a spirit.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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