Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Cameroon Economy 6-12-24

Nominal GDP $49.262B, Per capita GDP $1,721.95, Population 28,647,293, Debt to GDP 123.0%, Inflation 21.6%, Unemployment 3.7%, Labor force participation 71.95%, Land area 183,569 sq miles, Arable land 20.6%, Urban 58%, Rural 42%, Exports $6.95B, Imports $8.13B, Trade Deficit $1.18B

Exports include crude oil (43.5% of total exports in 2022), liquefied natural gas (18.1%), and cocoa (9.1%).

Imports included mineral products at 26.8%, fuels and lubricants at 21.4%  and clinker 2.8%.

Agriculture products and oil are predominant in Cameroon's exports sheet. Petroleum accounts for more than 50 percent of the country's total exports. Others include: natural gas, cocoa beans, coffee, cotton, aluminium and gold. Cameroon's main export partner is the European Union (45 percent of total exports).

Small-scale farms are responsible for much of the agricultural exports. The main subsistence crops include plantains, beans, potatoes, yams, cassava, corn, and oil palm in the south and peanuts (groundnuts), millet, and cassava in the north.

Cameroon is plagued by civil war and Boko Haram Muslim terrorist infiltration.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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