Friday, June 14, 2024

Zimbabwe Economy 6-14-24

Nominal GDP $32.424B, Per capita GDP $2,005.87, Population 16,665,409, Debt to GDP 284.9.%, Inflation 667.36%, Unemployment 9.1%, Labor force participation 48.75%, Land area 150,760 sq miles,  Arable land 10%, Urban 38.6% Rural 61.4%, Exports $7.2B, Imports $2.14B, Trade Surplus $5.06B

Cumulative Trade Deficit from 2020 to 2023 is $6.8B.

Exports include gold (24%), tobacco, metal alloys, cotton, and sugar.

Imports include fuels and petroleum products, electricity, machinery and transport equipment, food, and miscellaneous manufactured goods.

Frequent droughts are a major problem. Since 2008, Zimbabwe has been experiencing an economic crisis characterized by hyperinflation, increased poverty levels, and political instability.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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