Monday, June 17, 2024

Sudan Economy 6-17-24

Nominal GDP $25.569B, Per capita GDP $533.84, Population 48,106,006, Debt to GDP 256.0%, Inflation 16.8%, Unemployment 20.81%, Labor force participation rate 47.6%, Land area 728,215 sq miles, Arable land 11%, Urban 35.3% Rural 64.7%, Exports 5.52B, Imports $12.26B, Trade Deficit $6.74B.

The most recent exports are led by Gold ($2.32B), Crude Petroleum ($662M), Other Oily Seeds ($654M), Ground Nuts ($425M), and Raw Cotton ($379M).

Sudan's most important export is gold (70 percent of total exports) followed by livestock (25 percent). Others include: oil, arabic gum and cotton. Main import partner is China (78 percent) followed by UAE, Japan, Saudi Arabia and Italy.

Sudan's main crops include cotton, peanuts (groundnuts), sesame, gum arabic, sorghum, and sugarcane. The main subsistence crops are sorghum and millet, with smaller amounts of wheat, corn, and barley.

Imports The top imports of Sudan are Raw Sugar ($957M), Wheat ($505M), Refined Petroleum ($376M), Jewelry ($292M), and Gold ($252M), importing mostly from China ($2.03B), United Arab Emirates ($1.81B), India ($1.68B), Egypt ($789M), and Turkey ($446M).

Sudan's armed conflict has ignited one of the world's fastest-unfolding crises. Out of 25 million people needing humanitarian aid, 14 million are children. The conflict has forced 8.6 million people to flee, creating the largest displacement crisis globally.

The first Sudanese civil war (1955–72) erupted just before Sudan became an independent country. The war was prompted by southerners who had been promised and then denied the right to govern themselves.

The Second Sudanese Civil War was a conflict from 1983 to 2005 between the central Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation Army. It was largely a continuation of the First Sudanese Civil War of 1955 to 1972.

After some years of relative calm following the 2005 agreement which ended the second Sudanese civil war between the Sudanese government and SPLM rebels, fighting broke out again in the lead-up to South Sudan independence on 9 July 2011.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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