Thursday, April 22, 2010

Questions for Supreme Court Nominees

We Conservatives want Senators who will be able to ask questions of Obama’s Supreme Court nominees not to be shy. We deserve to hear the truth from these nominees. Areas I would question are listed below:
1) How would you interpret “Life” in the Constitution and who is entitled to that God given right ? How is it that the unborn are currently denied this right ?
2) Does the Constitution guarantee a citizens’ right to property ? If so, where ? How can government seize private property and give it to another private entity ?
3) How would you interpret “ Born” in the Constitution ? Why are children of non-citizens born in the U.S. given U.S. citizenship ?
4) Do you think “Congress shall establish no religion” means the government should not declare that all citizens join the Baptist Church ? Do you think the 10 Commandments should be removed from all courthouses ?
5) Do you think the Federal Government may now engage in activities in violation of the 10th Amendment ? Shouldn’t schools be left to the State or the people without federal requirements and funding ? Does requiring all citizens to purchase health insurance violate the 10th Amendment ? What is the Constitutional rationale for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other transfer payment schemes now operated by the Federal Government ? Aren’t retirement savings, health insurance and welfare absent from the limited Federal Government powers outlined in the Constitution ? Aren’t these reserved to the States or the people ?

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