Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dunwoody GA Tea Party Begins

I registered with to form a Dunwoody Tea Party group to give voice to those citizens who don’t want the City Council to raise taxes or go into debt.

We want the City of Dunwoody to:
1. Recognize that the economy is not improving enough to spend big bucks.
2. Scale back spending plans and adopt a “debt free”, no tax increase plan.
3. Prioritize spending based on utilization; fix the main roads and intersections.

Our Focus
We represent the average citizen. We want the Dunwoody City Council to prioritize all expenditures based on utilization. We all drive on the roads, but not many of us need a field to play baseball. We formed to lend a conservative voice to Dunwoody City politics.

Our Plan
Our first task is to invite our Tea Partiers to march in the Dunwoody July 4th parade. We need simple, light weight continental militia clothing, a fife and drum and some Betsy Ross flags.

Our next task is to identify families who will host a “meet the candidate” party for their neighbors in their homes or at their swimming pools. We have all Summer to do these and it will be fun.

Then we vote NO on the Bond Issue, if there is one, in November and elect conservative City Council Reps. After that, we are free to do whatever we want to do.

Tea Party Autonomy
Dunwoody Tea Party members don’t have to participate in other Tea Party events. There are no dues. We can join or be members of other Tea Party groups if we want to. We can focus on wherever we think will be helpful. Most of my thoughts are on NTL Conservative Blog, where I will be adding these posts.

We are total free-enterprisers. We want the free market to rule. We encourage self-reliance. We are watch-dogs when it comes to government. We believe in the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, as it was written. We believe government is broke, because it has overreached its authority. We want government to stop spending our tax dollars for things individuals and free enterprise could do and live within its means.

Our Issues
We are in the 3rd year of the 2nd Great Depression and government wants to double down on its spending spree. We don’t think maybe this is such a good idea.

Send me an email to sign up to march with us in the Dunwoody July 4th Parade or host a candidate meeting. Go to website and join the Dunwoody GA Tea Party. Norb Leahy Dunwoody GA Tea Party, NTL Conservative Blog 770-394-1284

1 comment:

Tom McKinney said...

Norb, Thank you for your service. I just read your write-up in the Dunwoody Reporter, dated 1 July-14 July 2011. Sounds good! I also have seen where your 4th of July Dunwoody Parade Line-up # is: 107. I would walk with you on the 4th, however, I am walking with another group at line-up # 120. See you on the 4th of July. Best wishes, Tom McKinney