Sunday, September 25, 2011

City Spending

Letter to Editor, Dunwoody Crier 9-14-11

Reasons I am totally against Dunwoody going further into debt:
- City is too young and inexperienced to spend so much so rapidly.
- As surrounding areas deteriorate, Dunwoody will be affected…we will have no choice.
- Many once proud, majestic cities now look like third world countries by over spending.
- Take a drive off your regular path and look at the number of businesses closed! I did recently and was shocked! Be sure and do this before you vote to indebt Dunwoody!
- 13,746 households each paid $1,164 for PVC park land. Proposed $33 mil would mean almost $2,400 more for each household. The TSTOP will mean even more.
- In addition to the initial cost, imagine the expense for government workers for upkeep (just the thought sends a shiver up my spine!).
- A bargain is a bargain only if it is for something you need, not want.
- No matter how much Dunwoody pride we have, we do not live in a bubble with a generous benefactor waiting to refill the coffers once they are depleted.
- Being optimistic with sweet, happy, positive thoughts will not eliminate financial crises.
- Spending will not eliminate debt.
- World economic conditions have shown no improvement in 4 years—getting worse!
- We had better take control over what we can vote on as we do not have any control over slight of hand tax laws being considered/passed on the national level.
- Not bankrupting the future of the children is a much better gift than a bigger park or a closer soccer field.

Sorry if you don’t like my Scrooge attitude, but we had better pay attention and not let a few emotionally driven people convince us to go with the flow because it will be good for us later. Well, after 4 years of things getting continually worse, our later is NOW!!

Jeanette Smith, Dunwoody GA 30360

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