Sunday, February 12, 2012

Global Cooling II

Global Cooling Begins and Global Warming Ends with Record Drop in Temperatures.

The Space and Science Research Center (SSRC) announces today that the most recent global temperature data through January 31, 2011 using NASA and NOAA weather satellites supports the previous forecast from the SSRC that a historic drop in global temperatures is under way and that the previously predicted climate change to one of a long and deep global cooling era has begun.

SSRC Director John L. Casey explains, “Based on the data from the AMSR-E instrument on board the NASA Aqua satellite, sea surface temperatures just posted this week showed their steepest decline since the satellite was made operational in 2002. This major drop from the warm temperature levels seen in 2010 is also echoed by a dramatic decline in atmospheric temperatures in the lower troposphere, where we live, with the data coming from NOAA satellites. At present rates of descent, both ocean and atmospheric temperatures are likely to soon surpass the temperature lows set in the 2007-2008 period.

Even with a small correction that is usually seen after such a rapid drop, there is no doubt that the Earth is entering a prolonged global cooling period and will soon set another record drop in temperatures by the November-December 2012 time frame as was forecast in the SSRC press release from May 10, 2010.”

As to the long term implications, of this significant drop in global temperatures, Director Casey clarifies by adding, “While we always see a reduction from a previous El Nino high, this time the decline is different, very different. What is happening now is the effect of the natural La Nina cooling is being overpowered and accelerated by a once every 206 year solar cycle that has entered its cold phase.

In 2007 after discovering this cycle, I was the first to announce to the White House, Congress, and the main stream media that this cycle would produce a “solar hibernation,” a major reduction in the output of the Sun which in turn would bring a new climate change to a cold era lasting 20-30 years. This hibernation also called a grand minimum was recently verified by NASA data using sunspot measurements and was announced in another SSRC press release January 25th of this year.

In quick succession here in early 2011 we have seen two of the strongest possible validations of the global cooling phase of the 206 year cycle and the “Relational Cycle Theory” of climate change which I developed to account for the pattern of alternating cold and warm periods that we have seen for over two hundred years now. Although we will continue to see highly variable weather, the punishing winters the world has seen the past few years including the on-going record setting winter of 2010-2011, are just a sample of what is to come.

Though the conclusions of my research and that of many others around the world has shown a new and potentially dangerous cold weather period is coming, the recent NASA data about the Sun going into hibernation and this week’s global temperature figures have provided critical evidence for our leaders and the public to finally see that the next cold climate era is here.

It is also important to recognize that there has been no effective growth in the Earth’s temperatures for twelve years now and according to my calculations, the statistical peak of the long term curve of the past Sun-caused global warming was probably between 2005 and 2007. Global temperatures have suddenly returned to the same level they were in 1980 and are expected to drop much further. Given the momentum of the solar hibernation, it is now unlikely that our generation or the next one will return to the level of global warming that we have just passed through. Again, global warming has ended. It was always caused by the Sun and not mankind. The global cooling era has begun.

The SSRC has a track record for accuracy in climate predictions that is among the best. It remains the only independent research organization in the US that has been consistently warning the US government, the media and the public that this new cold weather is upon us and that we need our people to prepare. As stated many times before, this solar hibernation will bring the worst cold in over 200 years and will likely cause substantial damage to the world’s agricultural systems. Here at the SSRC we will continue to post these releases with new updates so our citizens are well informed.”

The satellite temperature data is available through several NASA and NOAA sources including Remote Sensing Systems, (RSS) out of Santa Rosa, California (, with both sea and atmospheric temperature charts available from the University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH) via the web site of UAH’s Dr. Roy Spencer. ( Friday, February 4, 2011

Source: Space and Science Research Center P. O. Box 607841 * Orlando, Fl 32860

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