Sunday, May 3, 2020

COV19 US Deaths by % 5/3/20

This post is sorted by % deaths/case to rank States by %. In the US 5% of the population spends 95% of our healthcare dollars. That is 16.5 million patients with high morbidity factors in 5% of our population.  Deaths in the US average 2 million per year due to all causes with 0.6% of our 330 million population.

We are approaching 1.2 million cases and 70,000 deaths.
The US has 1,160,996 cases and 67,448 (5.8%) deaths from Coronavirus-19 as of 5/3/20 AM. The % of deaths/cases should begin to decline as more testing is done, because it will increase the denominator.

The US is at a peak in its % of deaths/cases. The % of deaths/cases are up from 5/2/20 in 14 States, down in 12 States and flat in 24 States.
State                  Cases   Deaths  %
Michigan             43207    4020     9.3% up
Connecticut        29287    2436     8.3% up
New York          319213   24368    7.6% flat
Louisiana            29140    1993     6.8% down
Indiana               19295    1229      6.4% up
New Jersey       123717   7742      6.3% up
Minnesota            6228      395      6.3% down
Oklahoma            3851      238      6.2% up
Vermont                886        51       5.8% up
Massachusetts   66263    3846     5.8% flat
Pennsylvania      50915    2776     5.5% up
Washington        15512     836      5.4% down
Ohio                   19335    1021     5.3% flat
Colorado            16225     832      5.1% down
Maryland            24473    1251     5.1% flat
Kentucky              4879     248      5.1% flat
DC                       4797      240      5.0% down
Maine                  1152       56        4.9% flat
Nevada                5311      257      4.8% down
Missouri               8328      377      4.5% flat
Wisconsin            7660      334      4.4% down
Illinois                 58505     2559    4.4% flat
Arizona                8364      348      4.2% up
W Virginia            1184       50       4.2% up
California            53670    2192     4.1% flat
Georgia              28488    1174      4.1% down
S Carolina            6489     267       4.1% flat
Oregon                2635      109       4.1% up
Mississippi           7441      291       3.9% flat
Florida                35463    1364      3.8% flat
Alabama              7611      289       3.8% down
N Carolina          11579     430       3.7% down
New Mexico        3732      139       3.7% flat
Virginia               17731     616       3.5% up
N Hampshire       2429       84        3.5% flat
Montana              455        16         3.5% flat
Delaware             5038      168       3.3% up
Rhode Island       9289      296       3.2% up
Idaho                   2061       64        3.1% flat
Kansas                4634      140       3.0% flat
Texas                 31142     874       2.8% flat
Hawaii                  620       16         2.6% flat
Alaska                 364          9         2.5% flat
Arkansas             3372       72        2.1% up
N Dakota             1153       24        2.1% flat
Iowa                     8641     175       2.0% down
Tennessee         12661     209      1.7% flat
Nebraska             5326       76       1.4% down
Wyoming             579          7         1.2% flat
Utah                     4981       49       1.0% flat
S Dakota             2588       21        0.8% flat

N Mariana             14          2     14.3% flat
Virgin Islands        66          4       6.1% flat
Veterans Affairs  9015      513     5.7% flat
Puerto Rico        1757        95      5.4% flat
Guam                  148          5       3.4% flat
Navajo Nation     2307       73      3.2% down
US Military          7145       27      0.4% flat
Fed Prisons        2268       37       1.6% flat
Travel                  152          3       2.0% flat
                          22872      759     3.3% flat

Totals             1160996   67448   5.8% flat

States with lower cases and deaths are opening their businesses.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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