Wednesday, May 6, 2020

COV19 US Deaths by State 5/6/20

We are approaching 1.3 million cases and 80,000 deaths.
The US has 1,240,826 cases and 72,462 (5.8%) deaths from Coronavirus-19 as of 5/6/20 AM. The % of deaths/cases should begin to decline as more testing is done, because it will increase the denominator.

The US is at a peak in its % of deaths/cases. The % of deaths/cases are up on 5/6/20 in 30 States, down in 5 States and flat in 16 States.  The trend is up.
State                  Cases   Deaths   %
New York          330139   25402   7.7% up
New Jersey       131705    8292    6.3% up
Massachusetts   70271     4212    6.0% up
Illinois                 65962     2838    4.3% up
California            58724    2379     4.1% flat
Pennsylvania      53907    3196     5.9% up
Michigan             44397    4179     9.4% flat
Florida                38002    1539     4.0% up
Texas                 34269     961      2.8% flat
Connecticut        30621    2633     8.6% up
Georgia              30506    1299     4.3% up
Louisiana            29996    2115     7.1% up
Maryland            28163    1437     5.0% flat
Indiana               21033    1326     6.3% flat
Ohio                   20971    1136     5.4% up
Virginia               20256     713      3.5% flat
Colorado            17364     903      5.2% up
Washington        16360     870      5.3% flat
Tennessee         13690     226      1.7% up
N Carolina          12884     485      3.8% up
Iowa                    10111     207      2.0% up
Rhode Island       9933      355      3.6% up
Arizona                9305      395      4.2% up
Missouri               9100      409      4.5% up
Wisconsin            8566      353      4.1% flat
Alabama              8449      339      4.0% up
Mississippi           8207      342      4.2% up
Minnesota            7851      455      5.8% down
S Carolina            6841     296       4.3% up
Nebraska             6438       82       1.3% flat
Kentucky             5822      275      4.7% down
Nevada                5594      276      4.9% up
Kansas                5663      161      2.8% down
DC                       5461      277      5.1% up
Utah                    5449       56       1.0% up
Delaware             5371      187      3.5% up
New Mexico        4138      162       3.9% flat
Oklahoma           4127      247       6.0% up
Arkansas             3527       83        2.4% up
Oregon                2839      113       4.0% flat
S Dakota             2721       24        0.9% up
N Hampshire       2636       92        3.5% up
Idaho                   2127       65        3.1% up
N Dakota             1266       25        2.0% flat
W Virginia           1242       50        4.0% down
Maine                  1226       61        5.0% up
Vermont               908        52        5.7% down
Hawaii                  625       17         2.7% flat
Wyoming             604          7         1.2% flat
Montana              457        16         3.5% flat
Alaska                 371          9         2.4% flat

Guam                  149          5       3.4% flat
N Mariana             15          2     13.3% down
Puerto Rico        1968        99      5.0% down
Virgin Islands        66          4       6.1% flat
Veterans Affairs  9771      771     8.0% up
US Military          7526       27      0.4% flat
Navajo Nation     2559       79      3.1% flat
Fed Prisons        2425       41       1.7% flat
Travel                  152          3       2.0% flat
Govt. Total       24631      1031      4.2% up

Totals             1240826   72462   5.8% flat


States with lower cases and deaths are opening their businesses. The US has increased Testing and the number of Cases is increasing faster than the number of Deaths. This is resulting in lower Death %.  Many of these Cases are without symptoms and do not require treatment; these are carriers who need antibody blood tests.

The US Death Rate from all causes is 2 million per year.  The 5% of the US population that accounts for 95% of healthcare spending is 16.5 million. COV19 is adding 80,000 Flu Deaths to the 40,000 Regular A&B Influenza deaths.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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