Friday, May 22, 2020

Covid19 Deaths by Country 5/22/20

We are moving to 5.3 million cases and approaching 330,000 deaths.

As of 5/22/20 AM globally, Covid19 Cases totaled 5.234.140 and Deaths totaled 335,790.

Deaths in the top 48 countries totaled 328,645 (98%).

The top 12 countries in number of cases total 3,901,366 or 75% of the global total of 5,234,140.

The top 48 countries with over 10,000 cases subtotal 4,989,702 of the 5,234,140 or 95% of the global case total.

The % Deaths as of 5/22/20 are compared to the % deaths on 5/20/20 to determine flat, down and up.  As of 5/22/20, 12 countries are UP, 9 countries are Down and 27 countries are Flat.

Countries are listed by number of cases, deaths and % deaths as of 5/22/20 below.

12 Countries have over 100,000 cases
Country            Cases    Deaths   % Deaths
US                  1625039   96526      5.9% down

Russia             326448      3249       1.0% up
Brazil               312074    20112       7.2% up
Spain               280117    27940     10.0% flat
UK                   254195    36393     14.3% up
Italy                 228006     32486     14.2% up
France            181826     28215     15.5% flat
Germany        179160       8316       4.6% flat
Turkey            153548       4249       2.8% flat
Iran                 131652       7300       5.5% down
India                120532      3605       3.0% down
Peru                108769      3148       2.9% flat
11 Country    2276327   175013      7.7% down

36  Countries have 10,000 to 100,000 cases
Country            Cases    Deaths   % Deaths
China                82971      4634       5.6% flat
Canada             81324       6152      7.6% up
S Arabia           67719        364        0.5% flat
Mexico              59567       6510     10.9% up
Chile                 57581         589       1.0% flat
Belgium            56511       9212      16.3% flat
Pakistan           50694        1067       2.1% flat
Netherlands      44888       5788     12.9% flat
Qatar                40481         19         0.05% up
Ecuador            35306       2939       8.3% flat
Belarus             34303        190        0.6% flat
Sweden            32809       3925      11.9% up
Switzerland       30707       1903       6.2% flat
Singapore         30426         23         0.08% up
Bangladesh      30205         432       1.4% flat
Portugal            30200       1289       4.3% flat
UAE                  26898         237       0.9% flat
Ireland               24391       1583       6.5% up
Indonesia          20796       1326        6.4% down
Poland              20379         973        4.8% down
Ukraine             20148         588        2.9% flat
Kuwait               19564        138        0.7% up
S Africa             19137        369        1.9% up
Colombia          18330         652        3.6% flat
Romania           17712       1159        6.5% down
Israel                16690         279        1.7% flat
Austria              16436         635        3.9% flat
Japan               16424        777         4.7% flat
Egypt                15003        696         4.6% down
Dominican R     13657       448          3.3% flat
Philippines        13597        857         6.3% down
S Korea             11142       264          2.4% flat
Denmark           11230        561         5.0% flat
Serbia               11024        237         2.2% flat
Panama            10116        291         2.9% flat
36 country      1,088,336   57106      5.2% down

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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