Thursday, May 21, 2020

COV19 US Deaths by State 5/21/20

Cases and Deaths are trending down. We are approaching 1.7 million cases and 100,000 deaths.

As of 5/21/20, the US has 1,614,514 cases and 96,050 (5.9%) deaths from Coronavirus-19.

The % of deaths/cases will decline as more testing is done, because it will increase the denominator.

The US is moving down in its % of deaths/cases. The % of deaths/cases are up on 5/21/20 in 8 States, down in 9 States and flat in 34 States.  The trend is flat to down.  This is a rollercoaster ride with each State dealing with its own demographics and timing.
State                  Cases   Deaths    %
New York          366141   28860    7.9% flat
New Jersey       152923   10843   7.1% flat
Illinois                102686   4607     4.5% flat
Massachusetts   90084    6148     6.8% flat
California            86227    3542     4.1% flat
Pennsylvania      69276    4917     7.1% up
Michigan             53510    5129     9.6% up
Texas                 52619    1450     2.8% flat
Florida                48675    2145     4.4% flat
Maryland            43531    2159     5.0% flat
Georgia              40045    1754     4.4% up
Connecticut        39208    3582     9.1% up
Louisiana           36504     2629    7.2% down
Virginia               34137    1099     3.0% down
Ohio                   30191    1839     6.1% flat
Indiana               29936    1913     6.4% flat
Colorado            22797    1299     5.7% flat
N Carolina          20910     726      3.5% down
Washington        19822    1036     5.2% flat
Tennessee         18961      313      1.7% flat
Minnesota           18200     818      4.5% up
Iowa                    16144     405      2.5% flat
Arizona               15315     763      5.0% up
Wisconsin           13885     487      3.6% flat
Rhode Island      13571     556      4.1% up
Alabama             13119     529      4.0% down
Mississippi          12222     580     4.7% down
Missouri             11643     672      5.8% up
Nebraska           11122     138      1.2% flat
S Carolina           9175      407      4.4% flat
Kansas                8673      203      2.3% down
Delaware            8386       317      3.8% flat
Kentucky             8167      376      4.6% flat
Utah                    7874        92      1.2% flat
DC                      7788       412      5.3% down
Nevada               7255       378      5.2% flat
New Mexico        6317       283      4.5% flat
Oklahoma           5680       304      5.4% flat
Arkansas            5458       110       2.0% down
S Dakota             4250       48        1.1% flat
N Hampshire       3868      190       4.9% flat
Oregon                3817      145       3.8% flat
Idaho                   2506       77        3.1% flat
N Dakota             2229       51        2.3% flat
Maine                  1877       73        3.9% down
W Virginia           1593       70        4.4% flat
Vermont               950        54        5.7% flat
Wyoming             787        11         1.4% flat
Hawaii                  643       17         2.6% flat
Montana              479        16         3.3% flat
Alaska                 402        10         2.5% flat

Government         Cases   Deaths  % Deaths
Guam                   160          5        3.1% down
N Mariana              22          2        9.1% down
Puerto Rico         2913       126      4.3% down
Virgin Islands         69          6        8.7% flat
Veterans Affairs  12819    1092     8.5% flat
US Military           8859       30       0.3% flat
Navajo Nation      4153      146      3.5% flat
Fed Prisons         3629       58       1.6% flat
Travel                   152          3        2.0% flat

Govt. Total         32776     1468    4.5% flat

Totals             1614514   96050     5.9% down


States are opening their businesses. The US has increased Testing and the number of Cases is increasing faster than the number of Deaths. This should result in lower Death %. 

I suspect that most people will only get a test if they have symptoms.

Many of these Cases are without symptoms and do not require treatment; these are carriers who need antibody blood tests.

The US Death Rate from all causes is 2 million per year.  The 5% of the US population that accounts for 95% of healthcare spending is 16.5 million. COV19 is adding 80,000 Flu Deaths to the 40,000 Regular A&B Influenza deaths.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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