Sunday, September 8, 2024

Corporate Tax Rate 9-8-24

Trump has proposed lowering the US Corporate Tax Rate from 21% to 15%. 

The average corporate tax rate for all the countries in the world is 23.5%. These tax rates span from 0 to 36%.

The Corporate Tax Rates for Countries we trade with include:

Country   Corp Tax %

China           25

Germany     30

Japan          30.6

S Korea       24

Mexico        30

India           35

Saudi Arab 20

UK              25

Italy            24

France       25

Brazil         34

The US move to 15% to become more competitive. It gives small business a fighting chance to redevelop. It also encourages foreign countries we allow to establish manufacturing plants in the US to supply US customers. It allows large businesses the opportunity to reshore manufacturing and invest in infrastructure and shorted their supply chains.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader         


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