Thursday, September 5, 2024

US National Debt 9-5-24

The US National Debt was held to $5T by George HW Bush and Bill Clinton until 2000. George W Bush added $10T to the debt by attempting to “westernize” Afghanistan and Iraq and allowed the “mortgage scam’. Barak Obama added $10T and continued these expenses, destabilized Libia and Egypt and added Muslim refugee and climate change costs. Donald Trump added $2T for COVID expenses, ended Iran’s funding of terror groups, eliminated ISIS and negotiated an end to the Afghan expenses.  Joe Biden added $8T to the National Debt, botched the Afghan withdrawal, allowed the Ukraine and Gaza wars and overspent on Climate Change causing global inflation. 

Bush I   $5T   Gulf War 1990-1991

Clinton  $5T   Bosnia War  1992-1995

Bush II  $15T Afghan War 2001-2021, Iraq War 2003-2011

Obama $25T Climate Change 2009-2016

Trump  $27T COVID 2020-2024

Biden   $35T Climate Change 2021-present, Ukraine War 2022-present, Gaza War 2023-present

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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