Sunday, September 15, 2024

Trump Campaign Messages 9-15-24

Trump has posted his recovery plan on his website. It is similar to the agenda he adopted in his first term from 2017 to 2020. He was successful in restoring the US economy to be able to grow and improve employment opportunities.  The results Trump achieved produced included an increase in household income by $6000 per year and a lowering of unemployment. Inflation was reduced to 1.4% and the US became energy independent and began reducing the US Trade Debt by exporting oil and natural gas to our allies. The increase in oil supply brought gasoline prices under $2 per gallon. Trump lowered the Corporate tax from 28% to 21% and made the US more competitive.  Trump built the wall and ended illegal immigration. Trump imposed Tariffs on China that didn’t result in higher prices. Trump imposed sanctions on Iran that reduced their revenue to reduce their funding of Terrorist groups. China stood down on taking Taiwan, North Korea stopped firing missiles and Russia paused its expansion.  

Trump also identified the failures that occurred in the Biden administration from 2021 to 2024.  When Democrats gained the House in 2022, they continued their attacks on Trump with 2 Impeachments and multiple trumped-up indictments that are now being reversed by Appeals Courts. The purpose of Trump’s reminders of this “Law-fare” is to expose Democrats’ corruption of the law to serve their Marxist political purposes. Democrats promise “free stuff” that cannot be achieved, so they can tell their voter base “At least, we tried”. Biden’s sloppy exit from Afghanistan prompted Putin to attack Ukraine. Biden’s lifting Trump’s sanctions gave Iran the revenue to resume funding of Terror Groups and resulted in the attack of Israel by Hamas.

The Democrats defend themselves by claiming that Trump is just angry about the “witch-hunts” that began with the Russian collusion hoax in 2016 and that continues in 2024. Trump is actually warning Democrats that future Presidents should not use their DOJs to attack political opponents and should not circumvent the law to suit their political bribes. 

It is clear, that when Democrats control the House and the Senate, they overspend using 4000-page Omnibus Bills and this overspending creates inflation when money printing begins after the Bills are signed by a Democrat President.  When Republicans control the house as they have since 2022, they can control s pending bills on the front end. A Democrat Senate can reject the Bill and demand a deal.

Democrats have relied on a Liberal Supreme Court to side with the Liberals. That’s how Roe v Wade was ruled “Constitutional” by the Case Law.  When Trump selected 3 Supreme Court Justices who were “Originalists”, they rightly chose to overturn Woe v Wade and voted to send the abortion issue to the States. The Supreme Court  recognized its Constitutional responsibilities are limited and that only Legislatures are allowed to pass laws.

Democrats are aware that an “Originalist” Supreme Court threatens their plans to continue the growth of the Federal government power. The current Court is more inclined to transfer Federal Agencies back to the States and limit undue government dominance over the Private Sector.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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