Thursday, September 5, 2024

US Cost of War 9-5-24

War                                   US National Debt     War Costs

Revolutionary War 1775-1783    $75.5M              $75.5M

War of 1812  1812-1815    $45.2M to $119.2M    $74M

Mexican War 1846-1848    $1M to $63.1M          $64M

Civil War 1860-1865        $65M to $2.6B             $253.5B

WWI 1917-1918             $185M to $1.2B            $101.5B

WWII 1941-1945           $50.7B to $269B           $218.3B

Korea 1950-1953          $257.4B to $271B         $136B

Vietnam 1962-1973       $284.7B to $120B        $250B

Kuwait War 1990-1991    $3.3T to $3.6T            $80B

Afghanistan 2001-2021 $5.674B to $28.4T        $2.0T

Iraq War 2003-2011     $6.783B to $14.79T       $1.1T

Wars of independence and expansion costs totaled $ 213.5M.

Payments to France and Mexico for land expansion totaled $30M.

The Civil War cost was $253.5B. 

Military Foreign Aid costs from 1917 through 1991 totaled $785.8B

Military Foreign Aid costs from 2001 through 2021 totaled $3.0T 

The US National Debt has reached $35T with a Debt to GDP of 130% and must be reduced.

Trump’s solution to replace war with total economic isolation and tariffs is the only solution. The US can no longer afford to front the cost of foreign wars in behalf of US allies. Our only path forward if to return to producing everything US citizens consume. We can afford to wipe out terror and drug cartel groups using real-time intelligence, drone attacks and special Operations Troops.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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