Thursday, September 12, 2024

Restoring Government 9-12-24

The role of government in the US has been to support the Private Sector Economy and defend the US from foreign invaders. US military action was used to prevent abuse at Sea when the Navy intervened. Support of the Private Sector was demonstrated by expanding transportation routes to enable farmers to move their goods to markets. The government constructed canals for shippers to use. Later the railroads were used to also ship goods. The US Congress kept US merchants in the loop. The US Government was expected to manage their finances. This required Candidates for Elective Office to understand how the Private Sector works. 

Candidates for political office need to have experience managing private sector businesses to gain the knowledge they need to apply revenue effectively . The US economy is dependent on maintaining a growing private sector and dealing with balancing government regulations to keep costs low and productivity high. Trump’s business experience as a real estate developer gave him the experience needed today.

The Founders had the right balance of leaders with experience in their Colonial Legislatures. Many were plantation owners who learned horticulture. Many served in Colonial Militias. Many were business owners. Some were scientists. Some were Lawyers. Some were Merchants. Each had knowledge of the Economy. Those who were wealthy enough to hire others to manage their businesses had the time to devote to winning US independence.  They were all fans of the Enlightenment Philosophers. They all made their positions on issues clear. The same model is useful today.

Those Founders who were the best known, published papers in support of US independence and gained name recognition. Their shared cause put them in contact with the other Founders. This formed a large, diverse, inter-generational team of leaders who expanded the US to the Pacific Ocean by 1948. After that, they settled the western states using the inter-continental railroad in 1869.

In 1872, Congress ignored the Constitution and established Yellowstone National Park, Congress ignored the Amendment required to expand the limited powers of the Federal Government. Our divided government began with this departure from the Constitution.

In 1895, the first Hydroelectric Power Plant was built in 1895.

New Federal Departments and Agencies were added to the Federal Government in 1902, 1913, 1935 and beyond. 

In the years between 1872 and 1920, populations moved to cities to work in factories. Water quality suffered and water-borne diseases were common. Water quality was improved using chlorine to disinfect the water. Sewer waste had been polluting the rivers and sewer systems began to form. The lack of refrigeration caused meat to be vulnerable to spoilage. The microscope was being developed to identify bacteria. The first food lab was created by government in 1906 with the passage of the Food & Drug Act. Refrigeration was invented in 1834 and was employed after 1906 to keep food from spoiling.  Refrigerated trucks and rail cars soon appeared and meat producers were establishing their own microbiology labs. Food and Water-Borne diseases were declining.

In 1928, Penicillin was discovered and led to the development of anti-biotics in 1940. This was an effective treatment against deadly bacterial inflammation and allowed wounds to heal. The ability to manufacture antibiotics was funded by government just in time for World War II.

In 1945, the Atom Bomb was perfected and ended World War II.  Nuclear Power Plants were built in the 1950s.

Our current problems include:

The need to reprocess and safely transport hazardous waste

The need to reduce government spending, eliminate inflation and pay down the National Debt

The need to re-shore US manufacturing and restore mining and forestry

The need to close US borders and eliminate drug cartels

The need to reduce crime and restore law and order

The need to become a major exporter of oil and natural gas to lower the US Trade Deficit

The need to replace war with total economic isolation of Iran, Russia, China and other Bad Actors.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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