Monday, September 9, 2024

Sanctuary Banns and Criminals 9-9-24

States banning Sanctuary status for some or all of their counties and cities include:








N Carolina

S Carolina



The Biden administration has ended a Trump-era policy of denying so-called sanctuary cities from receiving certain forms of federal funding.

In 2021, the Department of Justice gave out approximately $300 million to sanctuary jurisdictions under three funding programs.

Illegal Criminal Migrants

Illegal Criminal Migrants identified by Border Patrol who entered the US Border include migrants with convictions in their own country or in the US.

Year   Illegal Criminals

2017    8,231    

2018    6,698

2019   4,269

2020   2,438


2021   10,763

2022   12,028

2023   15,267

2024   14,697


The Sanctuary movement began in the 1980s in Arizona and was founded by two Quakers and a Presbyterian Minister. It had its roots in the 1960s as Liberation Theology that focused on protecting the “oppressed”. Now we are suffering the consequences of this. Nothing exceeds like excess.

At St. Louis University the Priests teaching Philosophy and Theology were divided on this issue. I sided with the Conservatives. We believed that our first responsibility is to ourselves. We followed the law of proximity and included family as our responsibility as needed. We also believed that charity is a one-to- one obligation that begins at home. Mother Theresa got it right. We are suspicious of expanding charity beyond our actual responsibilities. Marxists will turn our charity into Communism. The Good Samaritan paid the innkeeper to heal the injured man and this is one-to-one.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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