Monday, February 17, 2014

Understanding the Obama quilt

by Bill Moore

Many people are confused by what appears to be disconnected actions taken by the White House. Looking at these actions separately and as mistakes they are trying to correct causes that confusion.

When you begin to realize all these actions are connected, like pieces of a quilt sewn together, you begin to see the master plan in action. Let us start with the premise President Obama has always liked and is using European Socialism as his model to "Transform America."

Looking at Obama Care through that lens we begin to understand most of these rewrites and illegal changes he has made to the Affordable Care Act have nothing to do with making the law better or its implementation smoother. These 27 actions, or 27 pieces of this Socialist quilt, have a dual purpose. The short term action is to increase the chances the voters will not take away Democratic control of the Senate. The long term action is to cause such havoc to the implementation that it will fail and force the Nation to go to a single payer system similar to those in Europe. Millions have had their insurance cancelled, changed to higher deductibles, will have high level policies taxed, or will be forced to enroll in government sponsored insurance programs such as Medicaid. With the expected and planned amount of disruption to our medical system, when it fails, there will be no alternative but a government run single payer system similar to Europe.

Looking at the piece of the quilt for energy we understand why he opposes the Keystone Pipeline and has his war on coal. He is a firm believer the best way to control energy usage is through high energy prices. The pipeline, increased drilling and coal use would help keep prices low. That does not meet European prices on gasoline that exceed $8 per gallon.
Again look at Europe and employment. Study the quilt patch that shows workers working less than American counterparts. In fact many do not work regularly and depend on the government for existence. Do you believe The Affordable Care Act accidentally picked 30 hours or more requiring medical coverage? Do you believe they did not expect employers to cut back hours where possible to get under the 30 hour requirement? The obvious goal is to make the work week 30 hours or less.

The next piece of this Socialist quilt deals with minimum wage. With workers getting less hours they will not be able to maintain their standard of living with a smaller paycheck. Suddenly this Administration wants minimum wage almost doubled. Let us assume the President's move to push minimum wage for government contractors is applied to all people nationally.

Let us look at this by the numbers. For the sake of argument, the federal minimum wage is currently $7.25/ hour. A 40 hour work week would yield $290, his/her old salary under the current minimum wage. If the workers hours were cut to 30 hours, they would only receive $217.50 for their work. That would cut $72.50 weekly from their take home pay. They would have to find additional work to maintain the same standard of living.
Look at what happens when minimum wage goes to the new federal level of $10.10/ hour. The new 30 hour work week would now yield the worker $303.00. The worker works less hours and makes a little bit more than he would make working 40 hours under the current minimum wage. In addition, since most business keep their employees above minimum wage, as do most unions. Those workers would most likely get a comparable boost in salary to keep them above the minimum wage. They most likely would benefit from the 30 hour week also. Still think the minimum wage move is unrelated? The ones hurt are the businesses and the economy from a lack of productivity.

Now look at the actions of the bureaucracy in Washington DC. The National Labor Relations Board is an example. Their piece of the quilt is to empower unions in a manner to those Socialist Unions in Europe. Again the purpose is to destroy capitalism and enhance government power. Add to that the actions of the Environmental Protection Agency and their unreasonable regulations on business and you have several pieces of the quilt designed to enhance socialist style European Government in the United States.

Another piece of this quilt has to do with foreign relations. Europe spends a great of its money on entitlement programs to the point of many nation approaching economic collapse. They cannot afford a large modern standing army as it would reallocate needed funds from these entitlement programs to the military. This explains why this Administration wants to cut military programs and benefits, "lead from behind", and does not want to commit to dealing with terrorist issues throughout the Middle East. These actions cost money and the Administration wants to use that money to enhance entitlement programs. These actions are causing Allies to rethink the US commitment to them, thus making the world a more dangerous place. However the quilt piece is only interested in domestic issues.

A quilt is connected through interweaving separate pieces of cloth into a single unit with one sole purpose. So are Obama's and his minion's actions. When the pieces are properly connected they are not random actions but part of a Government quilt whose sole actions is to create the United Socialist States of America.

Wake up America before it is too late!!!

I agree with Bill Moore about the quilt.  The Democrat proposed leap in minimum wage is their solution to the problem of wage stagnation.  It was caused by their destructive policy for excessive immigration. The U.S. has allowed well over 1 million legal immigrants to enter the U.S. every year for the past 25 years. The result has been our high real unemployment and loss of $4000 per year in family income. 

The real solution is to repeal Obamacare and suspend immigration except for H1b visas for engineers and H2a visas for seasonal farm workers. 
Companies will return to creating regular full-time employment requiring a 40 hour week and include benefits.  That employment model is already in place and has allowed hourly employees the opportunity to earn overtime and return to a living wage.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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