Sunday, January 4, 2015

Restoring Limited Government

The individual rights that appear in the US Constitution (as written) need to be protected.  These rights have been gradually eroded over the past 100 years by the very government sworn to uphold them. Citizens need to fix this themselves by demanding that state legislatures enforce the 10th Amendment and nullify unconstitutional federal laws and regulations.
Government is primarily a monopoly utility and service company with a very limited scope of activities. The primary, constitutional, legitimate functions of government include supplying water, sewers, roads, highways and bridges. In addition, government provides legislation, courts to resolve disputes, police, emergency medical service, fire protection and military defense.
Government in the US has destroyed the American economy by violating the US Constitution (as written).
Free Enterprise
When the free market operates without government interference, every citizen can be free to function and be self-supporting. This is the only system that works. Restoring the free market in the US requires that we stop Agenda 21 implementation and most immigration, enact tax reform and legal reform and remove unnecessary regulations.  It also requires that the federal government become compliant with the US Constitution (as written).
Correcting our Mistakes
Our experience proves once again, that a “managed” economy, open borders and socialism lead to bankruptcy. We have to go back 100 years and repeal the unconstitutional laws and systems the federal government has usurped from the states and the people.  We need to transition federal programs back to individual control. We need to eradicate bribery in all of its forms in government. We need to return control of elections and candidate selection to the people.  We need to restore the free press.
We need to realize that 80% of our elected officials are delusional and seem happy to prevent these reforms from happening.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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