Saturday, November 28, 2015

Build Your Own Broadband

Liberal Stronghold Takes Incredibly Un-Liberal Action, by John Thomas, 11/4/15

Liberals have a long-standing tradition of thinking that anything remotely complicated needs to be regulated, controlled, and run by a committee and bureaucratic organization. That organization is, occasionally, a large corporation, but, more often than not, it is usually the government to which they clamor to get help. Which makes this story from Orcas Island, Washington, so beautiful. (hat tip to here for the story.)

If you didn’t know it, Washington State, like pretty much the rest of the Left Coast (with a few parts of Northern California being a notable exception), is overwhelmingly liberal and begging for government to run their lives. The residents of Orcas Island, on the other hand, when they couldn’t get good, consistent internet service, decided to do it themselves. Jon Brodkin writes,

“Faced with a local ISP that couldn’t provide modern broadband, Orcas Island residents designed their own network and built it themselves. The nonprofit Doe Bay Internet Users Association (DBIUA), founded by Sutton, Brems, and a few friends, now provide Internet service to a portion of the island. It’s a wireless network with radios installed on trees and houses in the Doe Bay portion of Orcas Island. Those radios get signals from radios on top of a water tower, which in turn receive a signal from a microwave tower across the water in Mount Vernon, Washington.” That’s right, they took control of the situation and said, “Alright, we’ll deal with this,” and they did.

This is a completely un-liberal attitude. This is one of the key fundamental attitudes that the people of our country need to return to if we want to have a country worth living in for our kids and grandkids to live in. This is the attitude that I want around me and my family, and the news media should be trumpeting this type of story instead of Al Sharpton.

What do you think: Orcas Island residents: heroes or guilty of treason (I’m sure liberals would think so)? Comment below.

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