Saturday, August 7, 2021

Public School Unions

Total number of public school teachers and percentage of public school teachers in a union or employees' association in the US.

1999-2000  3.0M  79.1%

2003-2004  3.3M  77.6%

2007-2008  3.4M  76.4%

Percentage of public school teachers paying union dues in Right to Work States in 2008.

Florida 55.8%

Texas 62.7%

Georgia 54.8%

Alabama 85.6%

Mississippi 36.7%

Louisiana 57.8%

Oklahoma 57.5%

Arizona 44.5%

S Carolina 26.9%

N Carolina 49.5%

Tennessee 58.7%

Arkansas 34.7%

Kansas 54.7%

Utah 63.6%

Virginia 51.1%

W Virginia 68.2

Kentucky 58.4%

Nebraska 85.3%

Indiana 73.7%

Iowa 73.3%

S Dakota 54.1%

Wyoming 53.2%

Idaho 62.2%

Michigan 92.0%

Wisconsin 98.3%

N Dakota 74.7%

Washington 98.0%

Right to Work States in 2021 includes 27 States that allow employees to opt out of paying union dues.

Florida, Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arizona, S Carolina, N Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Kansas, Utah, Virginia, W Virginia, Kentucky, Nebraska, Indiana, Iowa, S Dakota, Wyoming, Idaho, Michigan, Wisconsin, N Dakota, Washington.

Non-Right to Work States in 2021 includes 23 States that do not allow employees to opt out of paying union dues.

Maine 71.1%

Vermont 82.4%

New Hampshire 84.4%

New York 98.4%

Massachusetts 92.8%

Ohio 91.5%

Pennsylvania 93.4%

New Jersey 97.1%

Connecticut 98.8%

Maryland 84.8%

Delaware 90.1%

Illinois 96.2%

Missouri 76.6%

N Mexico 41.0%

Colorado 62.4%

Nevada 74.6%

Oregon 95.2%

California 93.6%

Minnesota 95.7%

Montana 82.5%


You would expect the non-right to work States to have 100% of public school teachers paying union dues and 50% of right to work State teachers to pay union dues.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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