Tuesday, December 31, 2024

US Federal Agency Spending 12-31-24

The US Federal Government is overspending by $2 trillion per year. The Interest Payment on the $36 trillion Debt is $1 trillion per year.

Total Federal Revenue is $4.92 trillion. Federal Spending is $6.75 trillion. Overspending in 2024 is $1.83 trillion. 

Trump can expect an Increase in Tax Revenue following his Tax Decreases. 

Agency  #Employees  Spending

Total        2.95 million  $6.75 trillion


DOD       3,400,000     $841.4B

DOT           58,502      $145.3B

USPS        636,966     $15.8B

DOJ          116,900     $67.06B

Treas        100,000     $2.2T

IRS             90,000     $12.3B

State Dept  79,011     $63.1B

Interior        70,000    $92.91B

Soc Sec      60,000     $14.2B

Commerce 47,000      $11.4B

FBI             36,945      $11.4B

CIA            21,575      $72.4B

EPA           17,202      $11B

Labor         16,922      $71.28B

Secret Svc  8,300       $3.1B

SEC            4,807       $2.1B

Educ           4,400       $241.66B

Cap Police  2,300       $460M

BLS            2,100       see Labor   

FCC           1,742       $390.2B

FTC            1,000      $425.7B

WH Staff      377

What does the US spend the most money on?

Spending Categories

21% Social Security.

18% National Defense.

15% Health.

14% Net Interest.

13% Medicare.

 8% Income Security.

 5% Veterans Benefits and Services.

 4% Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services.

 2% Transportation

 2% Natural Resources

 2% Other

US State & County Employees

Total                      20.5 million

Public School         6,771,787

Colleges                3,935,708

Police                    1,280,000

Private School         487,577

Road Construction  307,595

Electric Power        177,000

Waste Disposal      146,400

Water Sewer          124,700

Federal Grants to State need to be reduced. Foreign Aid needs to be reduced. Interest on the Debt needs to be reduced.

States need to reduce costs in Public Schools and Colleges by focusing on occupational skills. States will need to repair their own  critical infrastructure for roads and water.

Citizens need to take responsibility for their health to reduce obesity and focus on their occupational fit to avoid poverty.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


Adopt a Government Employee 12-31-24

The article below is a “time capsule” back to 1981. We are approaching the same conditions that include a reduction of federal employees, but it didn’t really happen. The only Federal employees who left were Liberal Democrats who quietly retreated to Academia, Liberal Think Tanks and other Liberal-friendly venues. Now in 2025, I expect Liberal Democrat Saboteurs will be fired. Most Democrats who have supported the rule of law could remain. 

The end of the US Department of Education is the bell-weather to paring back federal control to comply with the 10th Amendment. Most Federal Agencies will be reviewed for reorganization and reformed. Some may be removed to return to the States. Overlapping Agencies may be consolidated. I named these overlapping agencies as “Department of Redundancy Departments”. I also used to call Republicans who campaigned as Conservatives and voted like Democrats “Demo-publicans”. Later they were called “RINOs”.

I attended a “meet the candidates” gathering in Kansas and most of the attendees were government employees lobbying to save their jobs. It was a scene out of “Damien and the Lepers”. Where the Lepers of Molokai gathered to meet Fr. Damien as he returned with food supplies. That experience prompted me to write the following satire:

Meet Gladys by Norb Leahy, Kansas Business News April 1981

The great hue and cry from the land has been to cut government spending. Beginning with the elections last November, followed by President Reagan’s announcement of cuts in the Federal budget and now the struggle between cutters and defenders is in progress. In one camp we have taxpayers beset by Inflation and demanding a reduction in Government Spending. In the other camp we have special interest groups, proponents of causes, consultants, government contractors and of course the most abused of them all, government employees.

The Leahy family discussed the plight of the government employee, faced with hiring freezes, budget cuts, fewer trips and older office furniture. And with the milk of human kindness flowing in our veins, we resolved as a family to adopt our own government employee. Oh, we discussed adopting a Korean or South American child, but language barriers dissuaded us from this plan. Maybe next year.

At first were weren’t sure we could afford one. But when we sat down to estimate how much our family pays in taxes each year we thought we might be able to swing it.

First we estimated what this year’s Federal withholding contributions might be. When we saw that, we were encouraged to go on. Next we estimated what we’d contributed to Social Security tax, but we still needed more. So we estimated our state withholding, public school tax, local tax and sales tax. As you can see in the table below, we could scrape up $9,569.88

Federal Tax               $4956.64

Social Security Tax   $2467.40

State Tax                  $645.84

School & Local Tax  $1000

Sales Tax                 $500

Total                         $9,569.88

We weren’t sure how much we’d need to support a government employee, but we were sure that $9,569.88 might at least support a clerk-typist or something. We discussed it as a family and decided a Clerk-Typist might be nice.

The next problem we encountered was that we souldn’t be allowed to adopt a whole government employee, because the taxes we paid were probably sent to a lot of different government employees we didn’t even know. How impersonal!

So, rather than go through all the red tape of getting permission to send the whole $9,569.88 to one person, I decided we would settle for sort of an honorary adoption. We could exchange letters and photographs. After all that’s the important part of adopting someone from another country.

Our next problem was to find a government employee who earned less than $9569.88 and boy I’ll tell you that was a job! Well, we finally found one, Gladys is a clerk typist in Wichita who, because of fear of reprisals wished to remain anonymous.

      Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader



Monday, December 30, 2024

Restoring US Immigration Law 12-30-24

US Immigration Law doesn’t need to be re-written, it just needs to be Restored. We have a workable system with several categories of legal immigrants. The H1b visas available to allow companies to sponsor foreign-born Engineers and H2b visas for skilled Technicians.

I used the H1b visa to hire Engineers in 1967 and later as a Consultant from 1993 to 2017. I used the H2b visa to hire Technicians in 1978.  

These foreign-born employees were “roll-models” for US-born Engineers. Their work ethic and skills are needed in the US. It will take years to reform our education systems. I support Musk’s request to increase the number of H1b visas for Engineers to fill the gap.

We have temporary H2a visas for seasonal agricultural workers. These workers are from Mexico and are usually referred by current foreign-born workers. The numbers of H2a visas may need to be increased.

F-1 Student visas may need to be reduced except for very high potential students. M-1 Student Visas should be eliminated. J-1 Visitor Visas should be considered for elimination.

F-1 Student Visa: For full-time study at an accredited college, university, or other academic institution, or to study English at an English language institute

M-1 Student Visa: For full-time study at a vocational or other non-academic institution.

J-1 Exchange Visitor Visa: For participation in an exchange program, such as a work-and-study program, visiting scholar, camp counselor, au pair, or research assistant.

Visas should not be issued for foreign nationals who are sponsored by Temp Services. All Work Visas should be company-sponsored.

There are many types of immigrant visas for the United States, including family-based visas, employment-based visas, and other visas: 

Family-based visas: These visas are for immediate relatives and family members of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents: 

IR-1: For spouses of U.S. citizens 

IR-2: For unmarried children under 21 years of age of a U.S. citizen 

IR-3: For orphans adopted abroad by a U.S. citizen 

IR-4: For orphans to be adopted in the U.S. by a U.S. citizen 

IR-5: For parents of a U.S. citizen who is at least 21 years old 

F1: For unmarried children who are 21 years of age or older 

F3: For married children 

F4: For siblings 

F2A: For spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 of legal permanent residents 

F2B: For unmarried children who are 21 years of age or older of legal permanent residents 


Employment-based visas: These visas are for foreign investors and workers: 

E5: For immigrant investors who create jobs in new commercial enterprises 

M-1: For foreign vocational students 

O-1, O-2: For temporary workers in the sciences 

P-1, P-2, P-3: For temporary workers in the arts, athletics, or cultural programs 

Other visas: These include visas for K-1 fiancés and K-3 spouses of U.S. citizens. 

United States immigration law is based on the following principles: the reunification of families, admitting immigrants with skills that are valuable to the U.S. economy, humanitarian protections, and promoting diversity. This fact sheet provides basic information about how the U.S. legal immigration system is designed and functions.

The law governing U.S. immigration policy is called the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The INA allows the United States to grant up to 675,000 permanent immigrant visas each year across various visa categories. On top of those 675,000 visas, the INA sets no limit on the annual admission of U.S. citizens’ spouses, parents, and children under the age of 21.

In addition, each year the president is required to consult with Congress and set an annual number of refugees to be admitted to the United States through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.2 Finally, humanitarian protections such as asylum, Temporary Protected Status, and other programs which may permit someone to reside in the United States legally do not have numerical caps, but do have other restrictions.

Once a person is granted an immigrant visa or receives certain other eligible protections, such as asylum or refugee status, they can apply to become a lawful permanent resident (LPR). Individuals arriving on immigrant visas become LPRs when they arrive in the United States.

After residing in the United States for five years (or three years in some circumstances), LPRs are eligible to apply for U.S. citizenship. There is no requirement that an LPR apply for citizenship. LPRs are eligible to apply for nearly all jobs (i.e., jobs not legitimately restricted to U.S. citizens) and are permitted to remain in the country permanently, while still remaining subject to immigration laws.

Each year the United States also admits a variety of noncitizens on a temporary basis. Such “non-immigrant” visas are granted to everyone from tourists to foreign students to temporary workers permitted to remain in the country for varying lengths of time. While certain employment-based non-immigrant visas are subject to annual caps, other non-immigrant visas (including tourist and student visas) have no numerical limits



The US Immigration System needs to be reviewed to determine whether or not the Visa Type should be removed. Visas with the most “overstays” should be reduced or eliminated. Lottery and Chain Migration Visas should be eliminated.

Asylum and Refugee Laws should be limited to apply to those who live on the American Continent to include Canada and all South American Countries. Asylum and Refugee Status should be limited to those who apply through the US Consulate in their countries.

US Schools should be given incentives to produce more Engineers and be based on their IQ scores.

Student Loans should be limited to “occupational degrees”.

H1b Visa employees are given 3 years to apply for US citizenship. If approved they will receive a Green Card with a 5 year limit. If they are approved to become citizens, they will be sworn-in as US Citizens.

       Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader



The Tea Party Meld 12-30-24

MAGA had its beginnings in the Tea Party in 2010. The Republican Party was split between the “Establishment” RINOs and the Tea Party Republicans. The 2016 Trump campaign was rebranded as MAGA to allow Republicans to close ranks. Republicans united to support Trump to close the split. 

I received the post below from the Cherokee County GA Tea Party Leader who has rebranded as a MAGA Republican group to recruit volunteers to secure the 2024 Trump Election. The RNC was able to recruit over 200,000 volunteers nation-wide to make the 2024 Election secure. 

Republican Party History by Conrad Quagliaroli, 12-10-24

Most Republicans do not know the history of the Republican Party. And let me tell you it is a glorious history! I took the following notes from a short 5 minute video from Prager U. *Professor Carol Swain, who is African-American* had this to say on that video;

The Republican Party was founded in 1854 and it’s 1856 platform was pro Black, and pro women, in that it stated that it planned to abolish both slavery and polygamy.

In the 1870’s Republicans passed the FIRST civil rights acts, the;

a. The 13th amendment which freed the slaves

b. The 14th amendment which gave Blacks their citizenship

c. The 15th amendment which gave Blacks the right to vote

Most people don’t realize there were two civil rights movements*, one in

the 1870’s and one, 90 years later in the 1960’s. And it was the Democrat

Party that fought fiercely against both of them, with Filibusters and other

measures. Conversely, it was the Republican Party that overwhelming

supported both.

In 1870 the first Black congressman was elected to congress as a Republican

Also in 1870 the first Black senator was elected to congress as a Republican

*Until 1935, every Black congressman was a Republican

*The first female member of congress was a Republican

*The first Hispanic governor was a Republican

*The first Hispanic Senator was a Republican

*The first Asian Senator was a Republican 

*In 1920 after about 50 years of Democrat opposition, the Republicans who

had large majorities in both the House and Senate, pressured Democrat

president Woodrow Wilson into giving women the right to vote.

Only 59% of House Democrats and 41% of Senate Democrats voted to give women

the vote, compared to 91% of House Republicans and 82% of Senate

Republicans. Yes you read that right, in 1920, the vote was 91% of

Republicans to 59% of Democrats in the House and 82% of Republicans to 41%

of Democrats in the Senate.

The war on women was definitely led by the Democrats beginning with the

early days of the Suffrage Movement. It was the Republicans who led the

fight and gave women the right to vote, not the Democrats!

*In 1936 Democrat president FDR snubbed the great African-American Olympian

Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics, by NOT inviting

him to the White House, ONLY inviting his white team members.

*In the 1950’s Republican president Eisenhower sent the National Guard to

Arkansas to escort Black children to school because Democrat governor

Faubus would not allow them in the white schools.

*The 1960 Civil Rights Act was Filibustered by 18 Democrat senators while

EVERY Republican senator supported it.

*The 1964 Civil Rights Act was also filibustered by the Democrats and only

passed because of strong Republican support.

*The main resistance to the civil rights act of 1964 were Democrats, but

Progressives would rewrite textbooks creating the impression Republicans

were the ones in opposition.

*The votes on the civil rights laws in the 1960s speak for themselves.

a. The Civil Rights Act of 1964

House vote passed with *63%* of Democrats vs* 80%* of Republicans -17 points *higher*

Senate vote; *69%* of Democrats vs *82%* of Republicans-13 points higher* 

b. The Voting Rights Act of 1965

     House vote; 78% Democrats vs 84% Republican, 6 points higher

     Senate vote; 73% of Democrats vs 94% of Republicans, 21 points higher

Republicans voted for the 1960’s civil rights laws in higher percentages than Democrats. Had Republicans voted for the civil rights laws in the 1960s in the same percentages as Democrats, the 1960s civil rights laws would *NOT* have passed.

The fact is, Republicans were more responsible for the *1960s civil rights laws than Democrats, JUST as they were for the *FIRST civil rights laws in the 1870s.

Professor Swain makes a great point on the video when she states that Republicans have done little for Blacks since the 1960’s because they have treated them as EQUAL to every other group and therefore believed they were as COMPETENT as other Americans to determine their lives. And therefore did not need government telling them how to live.

Coincidentally, that is EXACTLY what Frederick Douglass suggested in a 1865 speech to the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, when he answered a question; What must be done for the former slaves?  “Do nothing with us! Let the Negro alone.  If you will only untie his hands and give him a chance, I think he will live” (and this is when African-Americans had just been freed and were much less prepared than they are today.)

The history of the Democrats proves they always have, and still do, regard Blacks as too incompetent to fend for themselves.

The very fact that Democrats think it racist of Republicans to require a photo ID for EVERYONE to vote, is pretty obvious proof they think Blacks are not smart enough to get a photo ID…how racist is that!

Professor Carol Swain knows what she is talking about, she is a former professor of political science at Vanderbilt University.

In *Dinesh D’Souza’s book “Hillary’s America*, the secret history of the Democratic Party” he makes two very good points;

*#1. Democrat Party crimes were blamed on all “Americans**” *The Democrats,

the media and our education system, from K-12 through college, have shifted

the sins/crimes of the Democrat Party from the Democrats where if belongs

to “Americans” as a whole. When in fact, it was the Democrats who fought

for slavery, it was the Democrats who created the Ku Klux Klan,

segregation, Jim Crow laws and did the lynching, NOT Americans! Half the

country, the Republican half, fought against those things from their

beginning in 1854, through the 1960’s, till today, fighting for vouchers

for African-American children stuck in failing inner city schools.


#2. The Big Switch is a Big Lie! Racism didn’t cause the South to turn

from a Democratic stronghold to a Republican one. Reaganomics did!


Again, the Democrats, the media and our education system claim a big switch

occurred in the Southern States when all the racist Southerners switched

from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party because of the civil

rights legislation in the 1960s, and Nixon’s Southern Strategy in 1968,

that sought out the votes of the racists in the South.

The fact is, that is a complete lie as demonstrated by simple logic and the

dates when the Republicans were first elected as Governors and Senators

since 1964 in the Southern States. Plus the dates the Republican Party

became the majority party in the Senate and House in each of the Southern


The truth is Racism had nothing to do with the South becoming Republican. Most of the

South did not turn Republican till after Reagan was elected. As you can

see, the average year the first Republican since 1964 was elected Governoror Senator was;

Governor-1987 average (and 4 were not elected till after 1990).

U.S. Senator-1979 average (and 4 were not elected till after 1990).

And the average year the Republicans became the majority since 1964 in the state House & Senate was;

Senate-2005 average

House-2006 average

Think about it…look at these dates. They are long after the racism, segregation and fire hoses of the 60s were over and done with!

Governor*-1987- 23 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed,

U.S. Senator*-1979- 15 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed,

State Senate majority -2005- 41 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed,

State House majority*-2006- 42 years after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed,

About Nixon’s Southern Strategy in 1968

*First*; Nixon’s Southern Strategy had nothing to do with going after the racist vote. In the 1968 election George Wallace from Alabama was running and he had the racist vote all wrapped up. It would have been senseless for Nixon to even try to compete with Wallace for the racist vote in the South.

*Second;* It would have been really stupid to try for the racist vote given the fact that he would have lost two votes in the rest of the country for every racist vote he got in the South.

I highly recommend D’Sousa’s book. About 65% of it is devoted to the despicable history of the Democratic Party, from stealing land from the Indians (President Andrew Jackson…a Democrat, was responsible for the Trail of Tears, NOT AMERICANS) right up till it’s history today, forcing minority children to suffer in failing inner city schools, thereby dooming them to fail. How despicable is that?


I used History is to understand how slavery continued when African Kings learned that they could profit from selling Prisoners of War into slavery in the 1500s. Demand for cheap labor was high because agriculture was booming in the Americas. These Kings copied the Roman system for controlling dissenters. The Greeks and Persians preferred to win them over.

      Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader