Tuesday, December 31, 2024

US Federal Agency Spending 12-31-24

The US Federal Government is overspending by $2 trillion per year. The Interest Payment on the $36 trillion Debt is $1 trillion per year.

Total Federal Revenue is $4.92 trillion. Federal Spending is $6.75 trillion. Overspending in 2024 is $1.83 trillion. 

Trump can expect an Increase in Tax Revenue following his Tax Decreases. 

Agency  #Employees  Spending

Total        2.95 million  $6.75 trillion


DOD       3,400,000     $841.4B

DOT           58,502      $145.3B

USPS        636,966     $15.8B

DOJ          116,900     $67.06B

Treas        100,000     $2.2T

IRS             90,000     $12.3B

State Dept  79,011     $63.1B

Interior        70,000    $92.91B

Soc Sec      60,000     $14.2B

Commerce 47,000      $11.4B

FBI             36,945      $11.4B

CIA            21,575      $72.4B

EPA           17,202      $11B

Labor         16,922      $71.28B

Secret Svc  8,300       $3.1B

SEC            4,807       $2.1B

Educ           4,400       $241.66B

Cap Police  2,300       $460M

BLS            2,100       see Labor   

FCC           1,742       $390.2B

FTC            1,000      $425.7B

WH Staff      377

What does the US spend the most money on?

Spending Categories

21% Social Security.

18% National Defense.

15% Health.

14% Net Interest.

13% Medicare.

 8% Income Security.

 5% Veterans Benefits and Services.

 4% Education, Training, Employment, and Social Services.

 2% Transportation

 2% Natural Resources

 2% Other

US State & County Employees

Total                      20.5 million

Public School         6,771,787

Colleges                3,935,708

Police                    1,280,000

Private School         487,577

Road Construction  307,595

Electric Power        177,000

Waste Disposal      146,400

Water Sewer          124,700

Federal Grants to State need to be reduced. Foreign Aid needs to be reduced. Interest on the Debt needs to be reduced.

States need to reduce costs in Public Schools and Colleges by focusing on occupational skills. States will need to repair their own  critical infrastructure for roads and water.

Citizens need to take responsibility for their health to reduce obesity and focus on their occupational fit to avoid poverty.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader


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