Friday, March 19, 2010

Corrupt Campaign Finance Laws

We believe our current campaign finance laws foster corruption, including bribery, kickbacks, extortion and treason, just as bad as Afghanistan or Haiti. We view contributions from corporations as bribery and favorable legislation as payoffs. We view pork and earmarks as kickbacks. We think accepting campaign contributions from Progressives, socialists, unions and environmentalists amounts to succumbing to extortion and treason. We believe there is a corrupt relationship between large entity campaign contributors and the Congress. The Democrat’s reckless spending in 2009, handing out trillions to political supporters is clearly payback. We abhor the kickbacks for votes offered in Louisiana, Nebraska and the unions.

We need to work toward dismantling all transfer payments and entitlement programs, so elected representatives can remove ‘helping constituents deal with government agencies for their benefits’. We need to dismantle federal involvement in education and healthcare. We need remove all involvements in activities by the federal government not granted by the Constitution.

For decades, Congressional Reps and Senators complained about the increasing cost of running for office, the problems with pork-barrel spending and the undue influence of special interests, yet, it seems to get worse. Current campaign finance laws only perpetuate the corruption. The fact that a Progressive Socialist crook like George Soros could put his man in the Whitehouse and put Pelosi and Reed in charge of the Congress is alarming. I wonder how much money laundering the Democrats really did with unions, banks and liberal financiers.

Wall Street banks and financial firms, the insurance industry, all healthcare insurers and providers, all government employees, all state agencies, all universities, public schools and colleges, environmentalists, unions and Socialist entities contribute billions to political campaigns. This practice holds the elective process hostage and has destroyed our representative form of government.

The Federal Government has corrupted public schools. Text books have been politicized. Teachers are trained to promote progressivism, environmentalism, unionism, socialism, atheism and a statist entitlement mentality.

We have become a socialist republic like Iran, Russia and Venezuela. These countries have elected Presidents and legislatures, but the game is rigged. It will take drastic measures to repair our political system.

We must have Republican State Legislatures pass campaign finance reform laws to restrict campaign contributions to registered voters in the candidates’ city, county, district or state. Funds and costs of campaigns will drop, but it will be a level playing field within each state. It should start in the South.

The entire Democrat Party legislative agenda is dangerous, destructive and based on lies. Healthcare Reform needs to drop forced purchases, taxes, fines, expensive subsidies, bureaucracy and an additional $2 Trillion entitlement. Cap & Trade is dangerous and destructive. Global Warming is a hoax. Wind and Solar costs 5 times more than nuclear and coal. Forcing Electric utilities to resort to these uneconomical energy sources will raise our electric bills 5 fold and put our entire economy in jeopardy. Card Check is ridiculous. The last thing we need is the expansion of unions. Unions are destructive socialist front groups. They poison the well. Our bail-out relationship with banks, financial firms, insurance companies, the U.N. and the World Bank is destructive. We need to pull back from the abyss.

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