Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Great Election Results, Except for Redevelopment Ordinance

I think the results of the recent elections were fantastic. The Conservative candidate won in 2 of the 3 races. The 2 Park Bond issues were defeated saving many of us from $400 to $500 per year (please consider the real increase in Parks Dept Operating Budget if ALL of the Proposed Parks had been added) in ADDITIONAL property taxes for the next 30 years.

Watch Out For TADs (Tax Allocation Districts or Redevelopment Powers) --
We will need to closely watch on the Tax Allocation District ( TAD ) ordinance that was approved in the City. This "Gimmick" has the potential to give control over property that one person thinks is bad and needs "Improvement" to someone who stands to profit by using Public ( think Taxpayers like you & me) money to make "Improvements to the “Bad” property. In other words, Suppose , I do not like you or your property. I arrange for the City to take or take control of your property and give control to me. Taxpayer backed money is spent to "Improve" the property and Private Interests ( think me , my Friendly Politicians or their Cronies ) Profit on the transaction while leaving Taxpayers at risk on the deal.

We need to closely watch on any "Redevelopment" deal the City possibly proposes to see if these attributes are there. Watch for proposed Developments or Redevelopments in the Dunwoody Village & Georgetown area closely. Other CODE words for these deals are Public/Private Partnerships!!! This really means Public Money ( i.e. Tax money ) and Private Interest Profits . Profits can be consulting or some type fee , Direct and Indirect Compensation and outright Profits.

We need to support our new City leadership. The Mayor and Council needs to change the direction the City is headed. We need to go to meetings and make sure they Honor the pledges they made to us to get elected. Our Leaders need to keep the City finances on a strong , fiscally conservative basis -- which means no DEBT.

The City already has several MILLION dollars of Debt ( YES Millions ) from buying the PVC farm. The City budget has $800,000 per year in cash cost for several years to pay off this debt. The City needs to establish priorities to stay within "NO TAX INCREASE" revenues. The City's original Objectives were Small, Effective Government , More and Better Policing and More Street Paving. I think these remain the priorities but other than possibly Policing, the grade for the City on the other 2 Objectives is at best a C-.

The most recent proposed City purchase of a $1 million + piece of real estate that is useless without more expenditures , is not on any Priority list for several years out , and will cost in EXCESS of appraised value is a PERFECT example of SPENDING running AMOK!!!

I urge all of you to STAY INVOLVED.

Bob Hickey, Dunwoody Resident since 1975 and a Proud Supporter of
Dunwoody Ga Tea Party

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